



Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Toilet Auntie Don't Like Me

Wah biang, I can't believe I'm writing such early in the morning - again.

Last night, I actually wanted to do some writing, but I chosed to play games instead.

It seems like there's less time for me to play my games after I start working. It's really sad, because it will be the case when I start to work after National Service.

After work yesterday, I met my Father at Beach Road Shaw Towers to watch 'The Four Brothers'. Then I reached home at about 2200 hours. It's already quite late and I'm tired as hell, but I played games up till 12 plus anyway before I slept.

Then now I'm awake, I've barely got 6 hours of sleep. But I can make it, because there's Nescafe.(Drink more Coffee, it's good for your brain.)

Going to work means going to see the Toilet Auntie again. She doesn't like me at all.

Whenever I walk past her and go to the toilet, she will say, 'This one always keep going to toilet lah.', in Hokkien, talking to herself. She thinks I don't know Hokkien, but never mind, give her some chance. She doesn't even know why I go to the toilet so often. I keep going because I'm thirsty, and I have no other choice other than Tap Wat... I mean Newater! This Auntie has got the 'URGAY' Syndrome, don't even know me yet talk so much.

On Monday, a newcomer came - a Nanyang Polytechnic, Digital Entertainment Technology Year 2 student. Though he's older than me, he still calls me 'Boss'. That's because I like to order him around hahahahahaha.

Ok, enough for now. I'm going to prepare for work soon.

Posted by TheLast |

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