



Sunday, September 17, 2006

What a great song

Oozing with sexiness, good arrangement, groovy tune, and makes me tap my feet unknowingly.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

燭火在燃燒 有某種情調
 The burning candlelight gives this place a sort of (romantic) ambience
眼神失焦了幾秒 關於妳 的舞蹈
 (My) eyes lost focus for a few seconds. Concerning your dance,
妳慵懶的扭動著腰 受不了
 the way you nonchalantly sway your hips is something I can't take
妳隨風飄揚的笑 有迷迭香的味道
 The wind carries your smile, its taste tainted with Rosemary
語帶薄荷味的撒嬌 對我發出戀愛的訊號
 Your coquettish words with a hint of minty flavour, is sending out messages of love to me
妳幽雅的像一隻貓 動作輕盈的圍繞
 Your elegance like a feline, surrounding me with your light prancing moves.
愛的甜味蔓延發酵 曖昧來得剛好*
 The sweetness of love spreads and brews, infatuation arrives just in time.

Posted by TheLast |

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