



Thursday, August 11, 2005

What is wrong with the Altar?

Just yesterday, the Town Council sent my house a note to 'relocate my altar'.

For whatever reason, they did not say. What's the reason for not having a reason? If they don't say why, I don't think my father should take any action to relocate it.

And on the note itself, they called the altar a 'irregularities'.


Main Entry: ir·reg·u·lar·i·ty
Pronunciation: i-"re-gy&-'la-r&-tE, "i(r)-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English irregularite, from Middle French irregularité, from Medieval Latin irregularitat-, irregularitas, from Late Latin irregularis
1 : something that is irregular (as improper or dishonest conduct)
2 : the quality or state of being irregular

What's funny is that the altar has been there for donno how long.

I know.

The town council peeps were desperately putting up the National Flags to show foreigners how patriotic everyone is, and while they were doing that, they saw this altar, which they took so so long to discover.

Sad and angry that no one wants to put up the National Flag, they decided to vent their anger on the altar.

The gahment must be very worried.

Look at flats around you, how many REAL National Flags are there? And it seems to get worse as years go by.

Posted by TheLast |

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