1 夜曲 - Nocturne
2 藍色風暴 - Blue Storm - Commercial song for Pepsi
3 髮如雪 - Hair Like Snow
4 黑色毛衣 - Black Woollen Coat
5 四面楚歌 - Something to do with Chor dynasty in Chinese history
6 楓 - Maple Tree
7 浪漫手機 - Romantic Cell
8 逆鱗 - Counter to Scales
9 麥芽糖 - Malt Sugar
10 珊瑚海 - (feat. Lara) Coral Sea
11 飄移 Drifting
12 一路向北 All The Way North
1. 夜曲 (Music Video) - Nocturne MV
2. 髮如雪 (Music Video) - Hair Resembling Snow MV
3. 一路向北 (Music Video) - All The Way North MV
Posted by TheLast |
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