We have a I-Can't-Get-An-Oscar-Director, Leonardo Di Caprio, Matt Damon, and Jack Nicholson. All these, supremely talented individuals who didn't disappoint in their performances in the film. Still, The Departed is at best a competent(just) homage to the original Infernal Affairs.
A homage it is. Most of time, all it does is paying homage to Infernal Affairs.
The Departed is darker, because it's much more violent and merciless. The dialogue is superb. I like the soundtrack too. There are some interesting twists to the original story, but personally I thought the ending would have made a much more powerful impact had it stay intacted.
I've watched Infernal Affairs many times. But I still enjoyed The Departed. I stepped out of the cinema hall and I asked myself if I wanted to watch it again. I said yes to myself and there's no truer tests to whether a film is good or not.
Posted by TheLast |
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