



Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Michael Bay is crap as usual

Transformers - 3/5

I watched Transformers last night. Many years ago I watched the cartoon on some videotape that my neighbour lent me. I've forgotten what I've watch, and I'm not a fan of the series either.

When it comes to movies such this, I'm usually the first in line to watch it. But I find myself holding on, because I expected it to be crap. My expectations didn't fail me. It was B-grade movie covered up with A-grade special effects.

The movie starts off with the cliche crap of a high-school boy with raging hormones who thinks that getting a car will get the chickens. Which is true anyway. Then it feels like Independence Day (a superior film), with the military running around trying to stop these aliens.

There's no character development. It's apparent that the makers made the movie with only eye-candy in mind. But you say 'hey they are robots!' Obviously you haven't seen The Iron Giant. In such a modern age, I thought people will start to do away with their wowing when it comes to special effects, but it's true that beauty is only skin deep.

The one and only good thing about the movie, as mentioned, is the animations of the robots. Detailed and fluid, they feel real. Then they start to fight, it gets exciting, then it starts to get repetitive and boring with those camera work and rehashes. Even Megan Fox couldn't do anything, you are better off touching yourself to her video on Maximonline.com.

Other than poor character development, the story is lacking. Predictable, it looked like the only way to save the movie is some brainless popcorn fun. But it failed in that aspect too as mentioned earlier. The idea of my brainless popcorn fun is Silver Surfer, and the recent Die Hard 4.0.

Unless you prefer some eye-candy, it's better to waste your money to the latter two than enduring the noisy and boring Transformers. You won't miss much, and if you feel that you will, save your money for the DVD instead.

Posted by TheLast |

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