Last night, I set a personal record.
I came home from school at about 1800 hours and threw myself onto bed.
Surprisingly, I slept and the next thing I knew it was already 0000 hours. Everyone else was already asleep. I said 'Fuck it' to my assignments (aka Homework but assignment sounds more professional) and went back to sleep. That's about 12 hours of sleep. I never had such a long and nice sleep in a very long time.
I'm just too tired these days. My panda eyes are getting more distinct as days go by.
The amount of sleep I had had is about 2 times the norm.
Coincidentally, Guan Hui had a similar post yesterday too. I just saw it as I'm typing this.
We got telepathy mens.

It's already the last Tuesday of the term and I am eagerly anticipating E-learning week (aka Holiday week).
If you are already having your holidays, Happy Holidays To You.
Posted by TheLast |
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