



Saturday, February 18, 2006

How come you still don't want to up lorry? =(

My dearest Creative MP3 player, you have been with me for almost 3 solid years. (I got you in March)

I can still remember that fateful day that I bribed the Indian staff at Mustafa Centre to release you.

I don't understand you.

Peepurs say you are lousy and fragile but these Peepurs are a bunch of liars mens.

I know it's hard, being a Singaporean product. No matter what you do, Peepurs will only look at your weak points. The worst part is your weak points are always exaggerated.

Just like your Father, Sim Wong Hoo, who had to leave Singapore to search for People who appreciate him and his works. But after he became successful, he came back to Singapore. He did not forget his roots mens.

Especially now there's a certain always-overpriced-Ipod, you have no fight at all. Peepurs call it sexy and handsum while you are called ugly and BIG.

Deep inside you, you know the Ipod is just a product with style but zero substance. But don't you know that looks are everything? Nowadays, Peepurs stick the MP3 players to their forehead and listen to music. (But you know I don't, I keep you in my smelly but cosy bag.)

Even the Ang Mohs praised you with awards and such, but Singaporeans tell me they don't know got such award. They only believe in the Academy Golden Oscar Globe.

I type so much. But in the end, someone different is going to take over you someday. I promise I won't throw you away. You will be given a shrine where it says "My First Ever MP3 Player". As the Oracle said, "Everything that has a beginning has an end".

So please don't be so steel-teeth, up lorry faster please.

I have had a lot of fun, joy and laughter in my life with you. I must say that it is a very enjoyable experience but life has to move on. I know you will miss me terribly but you see, life is not just about having fun.

There are times when work are to be completed and ambitions to be consummated. As the saying goes, with more power, comes greater responsibilities.

It's time for me to concentrate on my mission and move on to an emplacement where billions and billions of people in the world will require the succor of someone who has an exceptionally keen leadership such as me.

Therefore, your possible replacements are :

Now you know I'm in good hands, you can up lorries with no worries.

Posted by TheLast |

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