



Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Advent Children

Hair Like Snow



It's good to see that someone, like me, is going for a healthy lifestyle too. Everyday without fail, I will climb the stairs to the MRT platform. Now, please don't say that I want to act 'fit'. 'fit' cannot act one, if you are fit you are fit. I believe that with technology such as lifts, it's highly important and essential that we humans don't rely too much on them. We should make the effort to climb the stairs unless we are aiming for the 13th floor.

In school, I see people taking lifts just to ascend one floor, which is already very tok kong. But the most tok kong part comes when they take the lifts just to descend one floor.

I'm not trying to be a Holy boy here. I admit I used to be like that. But one day, I finally realised the truth and decided that I should seek a healthier lifestyle for the benefit of my future and life. So, change your life for the better now, it's not too late.

Actually, I climb stairs because I want to prepare myself for NS (and also lose fats). It may seem laughable, but however laughable it's still a small step. A small step is still a step. =(


Finally, after months of resistance, the dark side has failed. My friend got it for me from Australia.

I've only watched the few opening moments. It's really good. The animation, characters, and soundtrack. Thankfully, there's the Japanese dialogue with English subtitles. Needless to say, this type of movie is basically eye-candy only. All style not much substance.

Posted by TheLast |

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