



Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mother's Day is coming soon

I think.

Tomorrow, my Aunt and cousins plus my Ah Ma will come over to my house to have steamboat and barbeque Marinea-Bay-style. I just finished tidying the kitchen and did some minor preparation. Father's out fetching passengers, my sister has gone over to my Mother's house. I'm going soon but not yet.

Very surprisingly, my Mother hasn't mention about Mother's Day yet. For the past few years, she would tell me when is the day and all that-thing-you-know. For the past few years, I don't even care to wish her Mother's Day or anything at all. Not to say I'm not a good and filial boy, but to me it feels weird and this type of thing like very shy one leh. Perhaps she has given up on me this time round.

She also does a lot of things that make me unhappy -

1. Not willing to accept my thinking.
2. Always wanting to show me off to her friends when there is nothing to show off at all.
3. Always telling me bad stories of my Father.
4. University is a big deal to her.

Point no. 1, 2, and 4 are like very common but no. 3 is way out of line. She make it seem like my Father's the bad guy and that guys always behave like scums of the Earth!!and its always the females who suffer!

But in the end, she's still my mother. =(

That day I saw Muhammad Zikry B Zulkifli. He like very handsum now but too bad too sad he shorter than me and then he told me that Ragboy is going to have some BBQ soon. After that, he slapped my muscular chest. =(

Posted by TheLast |

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