Anyway, I saw one very young boy got praised by his Father. His Father did so by slapping his head. The young boy returned the favour by slapping back his head with a rolled-up paper. The Father didn't even scold him. It was an extremely funny moment. The boy looks so much like his Father.
I went to buy some things and at the same time, checked out the Starhub shop for handphones. My Father's contract's expiring soon, coincidentally my sister's phone is broken just two days ago. But who cares about her anyway.

I'm thinking white because black means more fingerprints and oily look. At the same time, white is easily stained too. It's a difficult choice but never mind I will throw lots at Si Beh Law tomorrow. I'm sure Guan Yin the Wise will give me a good answer.
To end things off, go see this website about a pair of twins.
Posted by TheLast |
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