Then I saw this girl. She is very pretty and cute. Nice hair, nice eyes, cute cheeks, and looks very gullible. She looks a bit like a Malay but I think she is Chinese. So I faked a bit and went to talk to her.
Me : Hello, you got A4 paper or not ah?
Pretty girl : Don't have.
But I think she bluff one. Because shortly after that she took out a book to read. Then I couldn't check out the title, because she was reading it upside down.
Since she bluffed me, I decided to disturb her. I felt very happy because her face gave me the feeling that she was fed-up. Her face damn funny. So I decided to put oil add vinegar.
Me : Are your term tests over? Results tok kong or not? Swee swee or not?
Pretty girl : YAH LAH.
Me : Are you from Business?
Pretty girl : YAH LAH.
Me : No wonder I never see you before. Because Business students the dressing damn tok kong one. I can't differentiate . . . By the way, I'm _______!!!!!!!!!
Pretty girl : OK. . . . . . . . . . . . _________.
At this pivotal moment, I could see that she wants to leave already. But she thinks I don't know. So I decided to disturb her further.
Me : Can I have your email address? So I can contact you?
Pretty girl : Wtf!
Me : Plus your contact number also. In case your email couldn't work.
Swift as a bird, she scribbled down everything in a millisecond. Sharp as an eagle, I could read it rather clearly.
So after a while, I messaged her. Surprisingly it worked. She replied me. I was really surprised because I thought she was much more cleverer than that, she really gave me her real contact number. Perhaps she has a tiny wee bit of feelings for me?
We exchanged a few messages before she said, "You are not my type. Haha."
I told my friends about the incident. They all laughed at me and her. They say I not handsum, not muscular, not tall, but then a pretty girl is still also willing to give me her real contact number.

Posted by TheLast |
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