



Wednesday, November 08, 2006

E-learning Week - Day 3

Changed my desktop after so long :

Swee or not? Not swee, just laugh inside your heart can liao.

After lunch, I had a stomach upset out of a sudden. So I proceeded to my house's concentration camp.

I stayed in there for don't know how long with my arm on the bar supporting my head, but it felt like eternity. All my troubles and sins were deposited, and later flushed away after countless battles between my conscience and doppelganger. At the same time, I did some soul-searching too.

Leaving the concentration camp, I felt so refreshed. It's like I am a new me. It was at that moment that I realised that the stomach upset was a ploy by Guan Yin Ma to shed away my skin and be a new person again, so that I will finally start on my E-learning assignments.

It was very true. Very quickly, I switched on my computer and visited the website of the best Polytechnic in Singapore. Suddenly I feel so interested and enthusiastic. I must say my frequent and sincere visits to Si Beh Law has paid off. Guan Yin Ma has finally noticed me and has chosen the right time to bend my body in the right direction to enlightenment and fantastic academic results.

Wah seh. So long never get 100 marks already.

This incident which didn't happen by luck has cemented Guan Yin Ma a place in my heart. It has further driven and motivated me to visit Si Beh Law.

End of day 3.

Posted by TheLast |

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