



Thursday, November 24, 2005

Mr Melvyn Tan is my New Inspiration

Pianist(Famous boy) pays NS dues - 28 years later

After running away from Singapore for nearly 30 years because he didn't like national service, pianist(famous boy) Melvyn Tan has finally paid his dues.

The 49-year-old, who has lived in the United Kingdom for the last 37 years, has paid a peanuts-amount-fine for not fulfilling his national service duty and will be performing at the Ang Moh Durian next month.

In an interview with The Sunday Times, an obviously relieved and happy Mr Tan said that he is glad to have Siam-ed national service.

He has not stepped onto Singapore soil all these years because he had feared that he would be arrested and thrown into jail.

But his 86-year-old father and 80-year-old mother are getting too old to make the regular trips to London to visit him at his home in Notting Hill, London.

So he decided to take a 'risk'. After informing the authorities of his intention to return, he came home in April for a court hearing.

The hearing lasted 30 minutes but he had never been so nervous in his life. 'It was very, very nerve-wracking, but I was surprised it was that short because I've never go under military training in my life.' he said.

"Luckily, I'm a famous person who had in a way made Singapore proud. Luckily, I'm not a Bus Captain/Taxi Driver in the U.K if not I will not be speaking to you now. I am very happy too because I can still perform at the Ang Moh Durian even though I skipped National Service. I must say this is destiny because if I haven't come back and paid my dues I wouldn't have the chance to perform at all."

As he had predicted, he was asked only to pay a peanuts-amount-fine.

He claims that his brain made him forget the amount because it's a peanuts-amount-fine.

He goes back to England tomorrow, but will return early next month to sit on the jury of the National Arts Council's biennial National Piano and Violin Competition, which starts Dec 7 and ends Dec 18.

Under the Enlistment Act, those who evade national service can be fined up to $5,000 or sent to jail for up to three years, or both.

To conclude, if you are someone who is famous you can make 2 years (or 2 1/2 years) of National Service worth just $5000. That's the amount you also have to pay for emergency-stopping the MRTs all around the island.

However, if you are not, you will most definitely serve 3 years of jail. After that, perhaps you still have to go for National Service.

Therefore, Mr Melvyn Tan is my New Inspiration. One day, I hope to be like him and run away from Singapore to become famous. Then I will come back and pay just $5000. If I'm lucky (which will most probably be the case), I might get the chance to perform (any performance) at the Ang Moh Durian.

Most of the post is extracted from The Straits Times Interactive (need to pay Moola to access). Honestly, I'm looking forward to NS. In life, I learnt that you have to look forward to something to love it. And not to think about the negative aspects of it. But this Melyvn Tan's case is just full of cow bull. Everything feels like a staged show to minimise complaints/rants from 'normal' Male citizens.

Posted by TheLast |

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