Only 3/4 of the month has gone and yet over 30 people has viewed me. I am very touched. (I know you've got lots more but, everything is relative.)
Normally, I get less than 20.
Something is wrong!
But here comes the best part :

For the past week, two person added me as friends.(the above being the second, both are(or appears to be, you'll never know) girls somemore.)

Normally, it's the other way round.
Something is wrong!
Today I took my Engineering Maths examination. (Equivalent of Amaths)
It's chicken feet! (Primary school's coolest word)
Differentiate, integrate, differentiate, integrate, differentiate. (Get the peekture yet?)
And I am 200% certain that I've dreamt of a certain same question before. Even the way I solved it is the same.
It's like deja vu.
But it's not - Hey I think I've seen this somewhere before.
It's - Hey I've experienced it before.
3 more papers to go : C++ Programming, Engineering Materials, and Electrical Technology.
Posted by TheLast |
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