My new desktop for the month. June is the month of Superman!
Go to 'Calendar' on your Nokia Hamfone and mark down the date *28th June 2006.
*Dates are subject to change
You must surely have seen the somewhat 'extended' trailer before the start of X-men : The Last Stand. With Bryan Singer at helm, there's little chance that Superman will suck.
With Bryan Singer gone, X-men : The Last Stand was crap. It's good as a standalone movie but compared to the first two, it lacked substance. It was noisy, has poor pacing and poor character development.
Check out the new poster :

To celebrate his return, I searched the skies and found the fake costume I bought quite a long long time ago. Okay, it's not a costume but it comes close as a T-shirt. It's really tight and small.

Posted by TheLast |
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