



Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Low-Hand Boy die already

Apple Computer has filed a second copyright lawsuit and a trade complaint in the US against Creative Technology.

This is the latest in a string of legal challenges and counter challenges between the two rival makers of portable media devices.

In its latest lawsuit, Apple claims Creative is infringing three patents relating to using icons, and displaying and editing data.

It is asking for cash damages and a court order to stop Creative from further breaches.

At the same time, Apple wants the International Trade Commission in Washington to block imports of Creative's music players.

Creative initiated the legal tussle when it sued Apple last month for infringing a patent its subsidiary in the US owned.

Creative's shares have slumped 35 per cent this year, and closed five cents lower at S$8.85 on Tuesday. - CNA/ch

At the same time, check out this joke by Taiwanese Li Ao:

A Singaporean, a Taiwanese and a Hongkonger were stuck in a lone island.

The Singaporean was in total loss and distress as there was no government, he did not know how he is going to live his life. The Hongkonger was taking it easy, looking for food and water first because to them, having a government is as good as not having one. The Taiwanese was the happiest because there is no government present to screw up their business, so he can start building houses and toilets to earn the Singaporean and Honkonger's money.

Posted by TheLast |

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