1.My coolest teacher of all time is Ranjit Singh.
2.I read TIME magazine. But 99% of the time I don't get it.
3.I hate Cheese but I love to eat Chesdale Cheese.
4.I only drink Coca-Cola for medicinal values when I feel bloated.
5.I am one-quarter Jiu Hoo Kia!
6.I was actually afraid of dogs. Now, I'm intimidated by them.
7.I love to make people laugh.
8.The nickname my Ah Ma gave me is 'Ah Toot'!
9.Because I looked stupid and still does.
10.I believe that 70% of anyone's life is written in stone. And that you can't fight the future.
OK FINISHED! The people who shall do this quiz thingy will be erh
Hui Juan
and of course anyone who feels like doing it
Posted by TheLast |
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