Friday, July 29, 2005
Just back from a catching-up session with Ragboy and Jun Qi.
I met Ragboy at about 1915 hours.
Then I had some KFC while Ragboy sat there and looked at me eat.
We went to Pavilion after that and waited for Jun Qi for about 30 minutes.
Jun Qi still look the same. He has grown a bit taller but he still lose to me.
We had a game of pool and were like mad monkeys because we were laughing here and there. Jun Qi looks very professional and serious when he prepares to strike the ball, but when he does, he will either miscue or miss the target.
After just a few rounds, we three felt tired so we stopped and paid Breadtalk a visit.
I bought some of my favourites like Tuna Bun and Hotdog Bun.
Then we sat down and had a threesome heart-to-heart talk session. It was so sad that Pin Chen didn't came along, if not it would have been more than three, which means a orgy.
We talked about lots of things. Good and funny things like Emily, Pin Chen, Henry, Wei Tian, Simon and Sherlyn.
It was a good long talk. It makes me want to turn back time and go back to the Secondary School days.
Life may be slacker and easier in a Polytechnic, but nothing beats 4E4. Not even close.
Posted by TheLast at 11:56 PM
Thursday, July 28, 2005
After all that NKF drama, you would expect people to be less generous when donating.
But I was wrong.
I decided to be a good boy today and volunteered to sell some Calculators, Swissknife, and Portable Ladio to raise funds for the 'SP Needy Students'.
I half-expected a rough ride ahead. However, it was actually better than I had expected.
For some reason, people donated $2.00, $5.00 and $10.00 as if they know how to print money.
Of course, there were some people who looked at me in the face and thinks that I'm going to dye my hair GOLD with the donations.
But being the understanding boy I am, I forgive them.
It has been a long day. I reached school at 1000 hours and had only just reached home.
I think I'm going to try to sleep early - I don't know why I've been having trouble sleeping lately! - and go to Tampines tomorrow afternoon to have some lunch and preorder my copy of Winning Eleven 9!
Posted by TheLast at 9:53 PM
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Finally, I finish constructing this shelve that my father bought for me from IKEA a few days ago.

More space for me to put my stuffs up!
Posted by TheLast at 2:45 PM
Sunday, July 24, 2005
I was never gone.
I'd only decided to lay low for a while because
-My sister discovered my blog
-Zikry has not been visiting my blog
-And the many other gaylords too
-Plus the peeps at E D M W who's going to flame me to death and call me all sorts of names.
I'm afraid of being called names, because of Zikry. Only my dearest people like my 4E4 classmates (excluding Ziko), can call me names.
I still remember that time, he called me a crybaby, and shiny tears of sadness couldn't stop trickling down my cheeks for the whole night! My father asked me what was wrong so I told him I broke off with my boyfriend.
My father, the best father in the world, could feel the sadness in me so he finally bought me my Nokia 7610, which is still the best handphone in the world. Not only that, he made me promise that I won't go around looking at guys. He wanted me to look at girls, and so he shafted all of his Porn collections bought from Hong Kong and Malaysia into my small room. Penthouse, Playboy, Deep Throat, you name it, he has it.
But he failed. I showed him Tok Kong and he was amazed and stunned at how far Internet sharing has come in such a short time.
And oh, I have not talked about my Aeronautical classmates. They asked me why do I always listen to Gay Chou's songs. The reason is very simple - because he is the best. He is a Chinese and so am I. I will rarely listen to English songs and another reason is because I only have had enough money to support The One singer. CDs are quite expensive nowadays at SGD$20.00. No English songs can portray the beauty of Chinese words. What you try to convey in English and you can easily convey in Chinese using very little amount of words, and Vincent Fang is the best at doing that.
Another of my coursemates also commented that BOA(not our class one) appeared on TIMES magazine when I told him Gay Chou did during the year 2002. But he never asked himself, a Gay can appear on TIMES, can he? And BOA is just like any other Korean singer with a wonderful Plastic Surgeon. Beauty? Yes. Natural Beauty? My sister is Beautifuler.
Posted by TheLast at 10:17 AM
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Posted by TheLast at 3:31 PM
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
"Einstein was right, time is relative to the observer. When your looking down the barrel of a gun, time slows down. Your whole life flashes by in front of you, heartbreak and scars. Stay with it, and you can live a lifetime in that split second.."
Posted by TheLast at 6:30 PM