



Friday, December 30, 2005

2006's Gei Kiang Predictions

OVERVIEW: While it's always been just about impossible to keep you from expressing yourself, you've probably been a bit quieter over the past year. Perhaps you've even felt downright hesitant to say what you're thinking -- especially if you're not absolutely sure of the potential repercussions of your words. That's not a bad thing; it's the wisdom of experience and age, and the universe will be tossing a bit more of it your way throughout 2006. If your friends continue to scratch their heads and ask what's wrong, reassure them with the very thing they've come to expect from you: interesting, chatty evenings over at your place, complete with the whole gang. You may be thinking more seriously lately, but that doesn't mean you can't indulge in some fun!

Speaking of serious thoughts, though, the period from early January through the beginning of March may demand some very careful consideration of joint finances -- that goes for both investments and any shared resources. If you're not happy with the way someone is handling a credit card that you're responsible for, if you're asked to cosign a loan and the thought just doesn't sit well with you, or if taxes have been a problem, this is definitely the time to resolve the situation, once and for all. And don't be shy about taking back that plastic! Remember, if your name is on the contract, you're responsible. Think of the future, and not lightly. This also wouldn't be a bad time to put a few pennies aside for a rainy day.

You may need to make some serious decisions in the romance department over the course of 2006. Changes to a friendship in April may get that show on the road -- but if you're thinking of turning this relationship romantic, be very sure that you can go back to being friends if it doesn't work out. Oh, and don't ignore a family member's efforts to introduce you to someone they think would be 'just perfect' for you -- no matter what happened last time. They could actually be right.

Read your Gei Kiang Predictions here.

Posted by TheLast |

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