



Monday, April 03, 2006

My new display picture is Gromit

Silent, yet one of the most expressive cartoon characters.

Tell you a secret. Actually, I'm very scared of dogs.

When I was young, I was chased by my Father's Father's Cousin's dog.

In the end, the dog failed. But I'm still scared of dogs.

Just now, I went for the briefing on the IT applications course.

C Sharp Programming. Wah seh, it reminded me of my disastrous Music Theory knowledge. (I failed Grade 2, don't laugh can.)

I would have sign up without hesitation. But it seems that my classmates will be from Engineering School, not Business School. Which is a waste really. The coordinators don't understand the sad situation at all.

Simon, quick show your jersey pictures. No peektures no buying. I don't know how to speak Thai.

Posted by TheLast |

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