Just now the Fruit Uncle asked me this. You know and I know it's a funny question. But this question set my brain juices to spray around. I thought and thought and in the end I decided on our neighbour Jiu Hoo because some of my relatives live there.
Nowadays I eat fruits everyday. Because I want to make myself healthy and make sure that I will become very very healthy when I join NS so I can safely and healthily protect my country.
I realised why. The Australia Honeydew costs $1.00, looks rounder and sexier, juicer and richer in colour. The Uncle tells me the Australia Honeydew very soft. The Jiu Hoo Honeydew costs $1.00 too. But it looks pale, less round and the Uncle tells me it's crispy. Such information scared me. Eat one fruit also so heart bitter.
I gave the Jiu Hoo Honeydew a bite. It was so crispy and juicy. I attained immortality. I finished it in 4 seconds.
After that, I understand that I made the wise choice with the Jiu Hoo Honeydew.
Posted by TheLast |
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