
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Darth Vader revealed

To be honest, this is my real first time visiting an ex-school of mine and wishing the teachers happy teachers' day.

4E4 played pool after that and then Pin Chen and Ragboy proceed on to my house. We wanted to call Simon but too bad soo sad he didn't want to pick up his phone.

Posted by TheLast at 6:53 PM

Monday, August 29, 2005

Gheylie And The Chocolate Factory


Posted by TheLast at 7:40 PM

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wah Biang Oi - Barber Never Give Me Chance

I don't know how am I going to attend School tomorrow mens.

The Barber said 'Slope ah boy?'

I said okay. The end product - Coconut Head.

Wah biang oi. Give me chance leh. I know it only costs $8 but don't like that can.

What's more, I'm going to Malacca to pray to my ancestors on Saturday. I really don't know what they will think of a Coconut boy.

Posted by TheLast at 7:02 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2005

YES MAN Manchester United Wins Again

Posted by TheLast at 10:25 PM

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Come on mens, follow me and take a trip down the memories lanes.

Posted by TheLast at 10:02 AM

Monday, August 15, 2005

What THE...........

Posted by TheLast at 9:49 AM

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Football Is Back

Football is like my 2nd wife(behind my PS2).

During June, July and August, it leaves me for a period of time, making me very deprived of it.

Winning Eleven is there for me but it's just not as realistic.

Then it just comes back today. Add in a can of Tiger Beer and it practically makes my day.

Usually, my Father watches Football with me, but he's out overseas doing his company work. How I wish he was here to watch with me.

So I'm all alone at home - again. And it's also the Lunar 7th Month, so I'm a bit scared ah. But when I think of Dua Peh Gong's and Ti Gong's Altar in my house, I become very brave.

Tomorrow morning I will try my best to wake up early to go to Four Horse Road(Si Beh Law).

So good night. I'm off to bed.

Oh wait, this is my peekture of the month!

Posted by TheLast at 12:03 AM

Thursday, August 11, 2005

What is wrong with the Altar?

Just yesterday, the Town Council sent my house a note to 'relocate my altar'.

For whatever reason, they did not say. What's the reason for not having a reason? If they don't say why, I don't think my father should take any action to relocate it.

And on the note itself, they called the altar a 'irregularities'.


Main Entry: ir·reg·u·lar·i·ty
Pronunciation: i-"re-gy&-'la-r&-tE, "i(r)-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English irregularite, from Middle French irregularité, from Medieval Latin irregularitat-, irregularitas, from Late Latin irregularis
1 : something that is irregular (as improper or dishonest conduct)
2 : the quality or state of being irregular

What's funny is that the altar has been there for donno how long.

I know.

The town council peeps were desperately putting up the National Flags to show foreigners how patriotic everyone is, and while they were doing that, they saw this altar, which they took so so long to discover.

Sad and angry that no one wants to put up the National Flag, they decided to vent their anger on the altar.

The gahment must be very worried.

Look at flats around you, how many REAL National Flags are there? And it seems to get worse as years go by.

Posted by TheLast at 2:44 PM

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Fireworks Outing

Ang Moh Durian A.K.A Soursop

Yellow Sector ah

Looking at simi?

Trying To Be Funny


Night scene


I could have taken more but the battery went flat.

Posted by TheLast at 10:27 AM

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Simi Lanjiao Mens

Recently, I had this test on Thermofluids. I got 84%.

Common sense says that it is a decent result.

But WTF. I'm the lowest in class. *Slaps my head*

I went out with Wai Kit today. He insisted on watching that stupid movie, 'Stealth', with me.

So in the end I had no choice but to give in to him.

After watching the movie, it has cemented my opinion that this is the worst movie of the year.

I almost fell asleep half-way but was kept awake by Wai Kit. He keep asking me this and that. The only good thing about the movie is Jessica Biel.

Though the movie sucked, but I still must appreciate him for going out with me lah.

Don't tell Zikry okay.

Posted by TheLast at 10:09 PM

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It's Jack Bauer's fault

I've been glued to the teebee for the past few days because my father bought me the boxsets of 24(Season 2 and 3).

This Teebee series is really very addictive and I just can't stop watching.

Maybe it is a good thing because that means I'm using the computer lesser.

When I reach home, I just switch on my teebee, put in the Disc and just sit back to enjoy the show. I don't even care about lunch or dinner, let alone my school work.

Anyway, here are the peektures taken at Eugene's and Ragboy's birthday BBQ. Happy Birthday to them and just one more year and you two can watch M-18 movies. Thanks for the food and everything. Enjoy the peektures.

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Si Yuan trying to be funny

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Couple of Couples
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Posted by TheLast at 12:16 AM


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