I used to think there was a kind of bird that, once born, would keep flying until death. The fact is that the bird hasn't gone anywhere. It was dead from the beginning.
Days Of Being Wild
Me, Myself, And I
Name : The One Age : 1988 Location : In My Living Room No More Height : Shorter Than You Weight : Heavier Than You Religion : Taoism, ?(Dào) Family : Divorced Parents, Younger Sister Birthplace : Mount Elizabeth Hometown : Geylang Lorong 34 Favourite Food : MeePok, KFC, Prawns and Pig Liver
But I like the simple riff. Shades of An Jing in the first few lines. I think better than the White Trash from Still Fantasy. Because the chorus manages to (just) steer clear of the norms.
At my workplace, this girl, Yvonne Yeo, left us because she felt the working hours were too long and anyway, she was just doing her internship.
I think its a pity because she's such a good worker. Before she left, she gave each of us a letter. What she wrote surprised me. I had never imagine that someone can appreciate me so much.
She said I'm so crappy and funny, and that I'm one of those she eagerly look forward to working with every time she comes for work. She also thinks I'm smart and that I should study in a University and she believes I can do it.
While reading the letter, it was a whole lot of fields and white light. It suddenly made me think that there is hope in life for me. No one has ever shown his/her appreciation for me that much, at least openly.
Another crappy guy, called Vu, left as well. He's a Vietnamese and he loves to sing Backstreet Boys' songs while working. He also always talk to me about how pretty and gentle Vietnamese girls are, and told me that Singaporean girls are too loud and naughty. He's studying in NUS right now and I wished him all the best for the future last night after work. I will miss him.
Today I saw Simon Sim at parkway parade. It was long time no see my friend. Friends since secondary 1. I told him that I wanted to give him something I bought for him from China. Maybe one of the days we should meet up again.
My maternal Ah Gong's house that is, and I happened to talk to one of my step-step-cousins. She's a smart and clever 3 years old girl. The following is my conversation with her:
Me : What is your name?
Cousin : Lin Jin.
Me : How old are you?
Cousin : 3 years old . . .
A slight pause follows, then . . .
Cousin : My birthday is coming...
Me : You tell me your birday for what?
*Cousin looks at me with those innocent eyes*
Cousin : I got a lot of toys and bicycle.
Me : Wah seh, I don't even have a bicycle you got a bicycle already!
Cousin : I got 2 bicycles.
Me : Wah, you even got 2 bicycles. Can give me 1 a not?
Cousin : Cannot ... you too big size.
Me : . . .
After that it was a long journey home as my Ah Gong lived at Woodlands. I slept at 10.30pm but entered Lalaland at 12 midnight. =(
If I have a choice, or if Guan Yin Ma gave me a choice, I would have choose to be born with a titanium spoon. However, life is not like that or else there wouldn't be yin and there wouldn't be yang.
My colleagues and friends at work seemed to think I'm some rich man's son. They saw me with a Dopod, a bag that looks like LV/Blueberry (or whatever you call it), Seiko Watch, Levis' specs, and Nike shoes.
Seriously, are those above not affordable for most? My Nike costs only $115, which is relatively cheap for a Nike footwear. The Dopod may cost over a thousand dollars, but its the reason why Credit Card and 0% interest instalment was invented. My bag is just a bag that somehow looks branded except that it isn't. And that Seiko Watch was a result of my father's blood and sweat for over 15 years at that German company, which is the reason why I would never wear any other watch ever again.
Because of those, they think I'm just there to kill some time and earn some 'small' money.
Personally, I think its hard to judge if someone is loaded. They may be driving their cars down Orchard Road, or flashing their gadgets and cool fashion stuffs down the streets, but at the end of the day, you don't know how badly their bank account gets sucked everyday.
I may have a Dopod or wear a Seiko, but I still wear mostly 3 for $10 T-shirts you see at Pasar Malam and short pants with sandals. I don't even have a Giordano for Guan Yin Ma's sake! I'm just a ... fashion disaster. =P
So ultimately, I'm just from a low-income family with "huge, occasional" indulgences. Most of the time I'm a just-below-normal, Singaporean boy.
Today is my off day. So I got time to log into blogspot and talk cock. Tomorrow have to work again. Working really makes me tired out easily, plus there's some undone work at Polytechnic. But its okay, I think this process will make my time-management levelup.
Been busy with work. I now work at some Jepun restaurant at Centrepoint. Usually at night.
It's my first shot at the F&B industry. I think its okay, and working times are very flexible.
All the staffs there are young, but still older than me. Most of them are surprisingly still studying at Universities. They are all very nice people, and are so willing to teach me anything.