Thursday, May 31, 2007
In the local context, home proud Singaporeans love our $50,000 to $100,000 renovations to make our homes look perfect for that Life! lifestyle reporter’s visit to feature those choice homes that we would love to show off! We love our big cars, fancy clothes and ostentatious displays of wealth.
Do not get me wrong, I make no judgements about people who have it and want to flaunt it. But how many of you out there really do have that income level to sustain yourself with those “doodads”? More importantly, how many among you out there feel satisfaction and happiness from possessing such items? If you feel that you deserve that bit of pampering and luxury good because you worked hard and earned it, by all means enjoy your wealth. But if you are among those who are leveraged to the hilt or about to embark on your life as a new employee, an NSF, or even a mid-career family man/women, consider what is your net worth if you had not bought such items.
Posted by TheLast at 8:59 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Boy kena bullied by adultAs the saying goes, boys will be boys.
The boyfriend see a small boy peep at the girlfriend and take peekture, he want to show the girlfriend he very tall, big and strong, so he bully someone that is smaller, like Singapore.
I think next time the boy will become gheys. But he will definitely grow taller and more muscular than the boyfriend.
However, I think the small boy is also wrong. No matter what, he shouldn't have taken a peekture but instead, make full use of his photographic memory.
And that's what you get when technology advances and everyone has a camera on hand. But nothing beats a women staring at me just because I glance at her. I'm only admiring her but it seems only handsum guys can look at her. So everytime I always look at the floor when in public because women in Singapore are very intimidating and scary. =(
Posted by TheLast at 4:14 PM
Today went for an interview to work at some Jepun restaurant at Centrepoint.
Hopefully I will get it. No more moola nowadays. =(
Posted by TheLast at 3:39 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
She is Felicia Chin. You know the Vitagen ad girl? She was buying some groceries. Somehow women who does this always turn me on.
She is taller than I thought, but still shorter than me. Quite a number of people asked to take picture with her. Of course I don't dare to, because I shy and I don't eat hum regularly. =(
My Father asked me is it a star that he saw because he say Felicia Chin keep smiling at him. I think my Father is very handsum because when she walked past me with that trolley she never smile at me.
Today I'm going to go to the National Library for the first time to do some research on Aircraft engine. Out of a sudden I feel that I'm quite hardworking by Polytechnic standards.
The other day I've already watched Pirates with my Lao Peh. On Sunday I will again watch with Pin Chen and company. Thankfully the movie is just good enough for a second viewing.
I hope later I go National Library I will get to see some stars again.
Posted by TheLast at 9:51 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian

You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!
Posted by TheLast at 10:33 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Courtesy week is here and I find what our Prime Minister said very encouraging.
Mr Lee said: "As we grow and globalise, the values of care, compassion and neighbourliness will become even more important. No society can survive, let alone prosper, if its people are only concerned with pursuing material wealth. Kindness is the thread that runs through our social fabric, making it stronger and more cohesive."
However, I cried when I read his encouraging words. Many years ago I would say that I'm extremely courteous in doing anything. But now, I'm just a mere shadow of my former self. Sometimes I don't know what I'm thinking when I do those unkind things, nevertheless I still think I'm quite courteous by Singaporeans' standard.
All the growing up has brainwashed me and make me less courteous. =(
Posted by TheLast at 10:27 PM
Monday, May 21, 2007
I just saw the news and my Sugarcane juice is rising liao. I think my Mee Pok Dry is not going to be spared too. Next time after National Service I may have to fork out $4 for my Mee Pok at a Hawker Centre. Foodcourt ones will cost $6 and they don't even taste half as good as Maggi Mee. =(
After NS with a Diploma I will only earn $1500/month (excl. CPF) and that's only based on the current market rate. I hope I can find Doctor Brown and sit inside his DeLorry and send me back to the past. Or maybe I should find the Henry-Tan-Lookalike from Heroes and ask him to teleport me back to the past so that I can stop myself from resigning from Tampines Jaycee. In return, I will do my utmost to save the Cheerleader.
Ok, I don't complain liao. Later some guy with a mole come and attack me and tell me to go back China/Malaysia if I can't be the fittest boy in Singapore.
Today my friend say I have become fat liao. I think it must be true because he's not a woman who thinks size 0 is the new size 2.
On Saturday Manutd lost the FA Cup and I was so sad that I cried. But I will still support them no matter what.
Today is the start of holiday. However, there are few assignments that must be done. Just a little more of these assignments and it will be my turn to graduate! Then it will be NS and then it will be work. My result can got NTU's Mechanical Engineering but I think I have no moola.
I hope I have more moola. =(
Posted by TheLast at 7:16 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
Posted by TheLast at 9:40 PM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Posted by TheLast at 9:25 AM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Posted by TheLast at 5:01 AM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007