Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The other day, I was on the MRT. (I was standing.)
There was this cute baby.
He (or she, hard to tell) looked at me with his mouth half-opened. His eyes were damn BIG and ROUND.
Of course, I looked back at him in the same manner. The baby looks so cute and funny. (Mr Ranjit Singh once said if something is cute, it's funny.)
This went on for several minutes until the Mother, perhaps due to her maternal instincts, stared at me and started moving about uneasily on her seat.
At first I thought that the Mother thought that I was looking at her, but I was wrong. (Can't blame me even if I did, there's nothing much to see in an MRT, especially when you are always standing for 40 Minutes from Dover to Eunos.)
Deeply threatend and scared by the Mother's stare, I looked away at some Chiobu instead.
Sadly, there wasn't one in sight.
Posted by TheLast at 10:45 PM
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
[Marital Status] Cannot say.
[Parents still together] Divorced until don't know where
[Siblings] Younger sister
[ColoUr] Black,blue
[Number] 7, 39, 69
[Animal] Dragon
[Drinks] Grass Jelly, Green Tea.
[Soda] Not nice.
[Book] Hairy Potter.
[Flower] Not sure.
[Color your hair?] Never
[Twirl your hair?] What is twirl?
[Have tattoos?] Never
[Have Piercings?] Never never never
[Cheat on tests/homework?] Of I'm a good boy.
[Drink/Smoke?] Will never smoke
[Like roller coasters?] Yes
[Wish you could live somewhere else?]Everything is greener on the other side
[Want more piercings?] Never
[Like cleaning?] Does housework count?
[Write in cursive or print?] Mixture
[Own a web cam] No
[Know how to drive?] Daytona USA
[Own a cell phone?] Yes
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Yes
[Been in a fist fight?] Yes
[Considered a life of crime?] I stole pirated cds once... the irony...
[Considered being a hooker?] No. But a Gheygolo...
[Lied to someone?] Yes
[Been in love?] Cannot say
[Made out with JUST a friend?] Make what???
[Been in lust?] I'm a male damn it.
[Used someone] No
[Been used?] Of course
[Been cheated on?] Of course
[Kicked someone in the nuts?]No
[Held a gun] Arcade gun
[Current clothing] Topless with shorts
[Current mood] Sleepy
[Current taste] Huh?
[What you currently smell like] I smell like myself
[Current hair] Anyhow
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Sleeping
[Current cd in stereo] Nothing
[Last book you read] Hairy Potter
[Last movie you saw] HP & GOF
[Last thing you ate] Wanton Mee
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Forgot
[Do drugs?] Panadol counted or not?
[Believe there is life on other planets?] I want to believe
[Remember your first love?] Of course
[Still love him/her?] No lah
[Read the newspaper?] Yes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Zikry
[Believe in miracles?] That's why the word exists
[Do well in school?] How I know
[Wear hats] No
[Hate yourself?] No
[Have an obsession?] $$$
[Collect anything?] Postcards, Stamps, FiRST
[Have a best friend?] All my friends are
[Close friends?] No
[Like your handwriting?] I like my style
[Care about looks] Who doesn't
[First crush] Cannot say
[First kiss] My hand
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] No. I believe in lust at first sight.
[Do you believe in "the one?"] I'm the one himself.
[Are you a tease?] What the...
[Too shy to make the first move?] I don't have the confidence.
[Daydreamer] How ah?
[Bitch/Asshole] How I know
[sarcastic] Not sure
[Angel] ???
[Devil] 666
[Shy] Everytime *blush*
[Talkative] I have a mouth mens.
Posted by TheLast at 10:32 PM
Currently, Vanessa and Ragboy are sick.
Too bad. The weather is mad. Blowing hot and cold nowadays.
Posted by TheLast at 9:22 AM
*In Hokkien, Xim means Heart.
Posted by TheLast at 8:46 AM
Monday, November 28, 2005
Seeing as how AngMohs are much more superior human beings and how Asians are so afraid of them and less superior.
Not only that. We are a
Chinese rogue port city where many
different races live peacefully together.
This article alone shows you how deep and clever the AngMohs are.
Then, nothing else to threaten, wanna threaten Singapore this
wayNo one is above the law damn it! Just ask Ragboy. Moreover, Singapore has her rights , integrity and sovereignty and she must uphold it and cannot be told to do anything as Australia say.
This type of things cannot give chance one lah.
Posted by TheLast at 7:49 AM
This is my Fortune at birth :Yiu & Sen
Born on the Emperor's Feet
This birth situation brings an easy life where everything comes easily, especially to those born male. Also, if you are of the male gender, it is likely you will have more than one wife. Women will find you irresistible. You will be blessed if you have a good attitude and a pure motivation. Take a look at yours
Posted by TheLast at 12:01 AM
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Whose birdday is it on that day? Simon? Vanessa? Wei Tian?
Posted by TheLast at 11:37 AM
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Two Motorbikes crash in 75 mins - At The Same SpotFor more details, please read today's The Straits Times Home Section.
NEO: Whoa. Deja vu.TRINITY: What did you just say?NEO: Nothing. Just had a little deja vu.TRINITY: What happened? What did you see?NEO: A black cat went past us and then I saw another that looked just like it.TRINITY: How much like it? Was it the same cat?NEO: It might have been. I'm not sure. What is it?TRINITY: A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.
Posted by TheLast at 10:47 AM
Friday, November 25, 2005
Thank you for your
convincing and
re-assuring words.
Next month (December), I treat you to a movie okay. I'm serious. I will sms you soon.

George Best: 1946-2005Footballing icon George Best passed away on Friday aged 59, finally succumbing after a valiant eight-week battle against illness. Best's finest moments as a player came in 1968 when he was named European Player of the year and lifted the European Cup for Sir Matt Busby's famous Manchester United team.
Posted by TheLast at 10:08 PM
Tell me peepur, do I have a face that says I'm stupid? (Besides the overused Ghey)
I know I'm simply not handsome enough but some things are just getting too ridiculous.
I've experienced this in the past but of late it has been happening too frequently.
I can say that something is good...
Then my Friends will say that, "Where got good no lah it sucks man omg that is so uncool man wtf you saying man you no taste lah you omg."
Then anyone (and I mean ANYONE) comes along and has the same opinion as me...
Then my friends will say, "omg that is so cool man it rocks yah yah it's nice not bad sia."
It's cases such as these that makes you think thrice (in Chinese, thrice means a lot) about sharing good stuffs with people.
People ask me why I never ask them to go with me to the
Initial D Gala Premiere.
It's because some people I've known just take things for granted and doesn't know the word 'appreciate'. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying those who asked me are such a person and I'm not specifically referring to anyone but I'm just stating a fact because I'm just sick and tired of such a phenomenon.
Needless to say, the person I asked to watch with me isn't such a person.

And when you decides that the Whole World thinks that you are stupid, people say you are Hao Lian/Dao (proud/boastful).
Though I laugh it off, sometimes I just feel like banging wall.
What is worse and funniest is that my Mother and Grandmother is such a person too.
Perhaps the grass is really always very much greener on the other side.
Posted by TheLast at 1:13 AM
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Pianist(Famous boy) pays NS dues - 28 years later After running away from Singapore for nearly 30 years because he didn't like national service, pianist(famous boy) Melvyn Tan has finally paid his dues.
The 49-year-old, who has lived in the United Kingdom for the last 37 years, has paid a peanuts-amount-fine for not fulfilling his national service duty and will be performing at the Ang Moh Durian next month.
In an interview with The Sunday Times, an obviously relieved and happy Mr Tan said that he is glad to have Siam-ed national service.
He has not stepped onto Singapore soil all these years because he had feared that he would be arrested and thrown into jail.
But his 86-year-old father and 80-year-old mother are getting too old to make the regular trips to London to visit him at his home in Notting Hill, London.
So he decided to take a 'risk'. After informing the authorities of his intention to return, he came home in April for a court hearing.The hearing lasted 30 minutes but he had never been so nervous in his life. 'It was very, very nerve-wracking, but I was surprised it was that short because I've never go under military training in my life.' he said."Luckily, I'm a famous person who had in a way made Singapore proud. Luckily, I'm not a Bus Captain/Taxi Driver in the U.K if not I will not be speaking to you now. I am very happy too because I can still perform at the Ang Moh Durian even though I skipped National Service. I must say this is destiny because if I haven't come back and paid my dues I wouldn't have the chance to perform at all."
As he had predicted, he was asked only to pay a peanuts-amount-fine.
He claims that his brain made him forget the amount because it's a peanuts-amount-fine.He goes back to England tomorrow, but will return early next month to sit on the jury of the National Arts Council's biennial National Piano and Violin Competition, which starts Dec 7 and ends Dec 18.Under the Enlistment Act, those who evade national service can be fined up to $5,000 or sent to jail for up to three years, or both. To conclude, if you are someone who is famous you can make 2 years (or 2 1/2 years) of National Service worth just $5000. That's the amount you also have to pay for emergency-stopping the MRTs all around the island.However, if you are not, you will most definitely serve 3 years of jail. After that, perhaps you still have to go for National Service.
Therefore, Mr Melvyn Tan is my New Inspiration. One day, I hope to be like him and run away from Singapore to become famous. Then I will come back and pay just $5000. If I'm lucky (which will most probably be the case), I might get the chance to perform (any performance) at the Ang Moh Durian.-
Most of the post is extracted from The Straits Times Interactive (need to pay Moola to access). Honestly, I'm looking forward to NS. In life, I learnt that you have to look forward to something to love it. And not to think about the negative aspects of it. But this Melyvn Tan's case is just full of cow bull. Everything feels like a staged show to minimise complaints/rants from 'normal' Male citizens.
Posted by TheLast at 5:15 PM
Why do classes have to start that early? Why?
It looks like I'm always in my Deepest state of sleep around 0600 hours.
The dream was so real and then suddenly I'm awaken by the stupid Gay Chou ringtone.
This dream really tok kong. I can seriously feel everything. It's like it's really really happening. Right now, I can still feel it.
Perhaps I should try to sleep very early everyday, so that my DSS will be around 0300-0400 hours.
And I'm late for school already.
Sometimes Wonderful dreams can make you all blur and lose track of time.
It just keeps going on in your mind.
Posted by TheLast at 7:09 AM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Even after I landed in Singapore at about 11 plus yesterday, I had to rush to school because there's a presentation in which marks are accounted for. I felt tired but what can I do man.
So why do times have changed?
Usually, you are going to be The One that bring your boyfriend/girlfriend/gheyfriend to meet your parents.
Now it's the other way round.
Now I know why my Father insists on me going to Hatyai. He brought me there to see his new girlfriend.
Sorry no pictures, because my Mother (or my Father's ex-wife) will get jealous.
Actually I knew it for some time already but I acted blur.
And my Father seems to enjoy rubbing it in my face by basically doing anything Teenagers do nowadays. The 'I lub you you lub me' things. It's like I'm not there.
Please. I'm not jealous or anything. In fact I enjoyed getting less attention from him. And it was damn funny.
My sister seems very jealous (and sad) though. She had to share a Couple bed with me in the hotel.(Usually she shares it with my Father)
Anyway, my Father's new girlfriend is from Burma (Myanmmar I think). She came to Hatyai to work.
My stay in Hatyai wasn't that bad, but it could have been better if it had not rained!!!(More on that later). Waterfalls, Batman Cave - I didn't manage to go those places because of the stupid rain!
All pictures are Un-edited unless otherwise stated. Please wait patiently for the pictures to load. Enjoy.

Certainly one of my most memorable experiences ever.
We were going to take a boat towards an island located on the sea. The wind was strong as hell and the rain just kept falling. We were about to enter the sea when the boat almost capsized!!! The Malaysians shouted and screamed and suddenly everything is like a scene out of a typical Hollywood script.
Luckily there was mud and the boat just got stucked there. The wind was so strong that the tour guide wasn't even able un-stuck the boat. We sat there waiting for about 10 minutes but of course it felt like eternity. The boat was swaying left to right and vice versa and it feels as if it's going to capsize any moment.
Irritating rain kept poking my head all over, the plastic shelter wasn't even enough. The wind is that strong. The rain was coming into the boat vertically, not diagonally. The rain and wind grew stronger with each passing minute and while we were turning back, the boat was basically on the brink of capsizing but fortunately it didn't.
If not, you wouldn't be seeing all these pictures because the Camera was still in my hand, wrapped in Plastic. Actually, I wasn't worried about the boat capsizing at all, I was worried about my Camera because Electricals aren't water-proof.

The picture below was edited (contrast and brightness). It was an 'anyhow' shot. I just point the camera backwards and shoot without aiming.

Posted by TheLast at 8:24 AM