Sunday, April 30, 2006
Seven-Heaven(From Simon's blog)
seven random facts about me:1. I'm right-handed but I wear my watch on my right hand.
2. I write English relatively-well but I can't speak well.
3. I speak Mandarin well but I can't write well.
4. My shoe size is 10.
5. My right arm is bigger and more muscular than my left arm.
6. I'm Taoist and also a Buddhist(part-time).
7. I have a naturally-made hole on my right ear.
seven celebrity crushes1. Ella from S.H.E(she got cute & chubby cheeks to squeeze)
2. Gay Chou(I'm Ghey and he's Gay)
3. Keira Knightley
4. Xin Huey from Superstar. Jiu Hoo girl ah.
5. No more!
6. No more!
7. :still the same.
seven qualities i want in a potential boyfriend/girlfriend1. Doesn't wear perfume too frequently.
2. Must know how to wash toilet, wash bathroom and mop floor.
3. Easy to bully.
4. Must know how to cook.
5. Loves travelling
6. Energetic if you get what I mean.
7. No more already
seven things that scare me1. Zikry
2. Dogs
3. Horror movies
4. Those who act cute.
5. Orchard Road
6. Korean, Japanese food.
7. No more
seven random songs at the momentToo lame, don't want to do.
seven things i like the most1. Zikry
2. Mee Pok
3. Green Tea
4. Grass Jelly
5. Don't have leh
6. Don't have leh
7. Don't have leh
seven things i plan to do before i die1. Kiss Zikry
2. Eat Mee Pok
3. Eat Grass Jelly
4. Visit all the Continents
5. Find out if Aliens exist
6. No more already
7. No more already.
seven things i say the most1. boy
2. good job
3. wtf
4. bird
5. wah lao
6. see you take
7. your mother
seven people i want to do thislame stuff,i dowan any1 to do it again lol.
Posted by TheLast at 10:46 PM
Friday, April 28, 2006
At Aircraft Maintenance Practice . . . The way he talks is also the same pattern. The difference is, he actually knows what he's doing.

General Election - My area Walkover. Mr Goh won again.
It's the end and another beginning.
Posted by TheLast at 7:19 PM
Most Singaporeans only know how to criticise themselves. From Mediacorp artistes to Sim Wong Hoo, nothing is good about them.
While Japan, Korean (of late), Taiwan, and basically the Rest Of The World are the best in the whole wide world. I don't know why leh, no one feels very proud of Singapore.
At times such as these, no one realises that we should be up against the Foreign Talents.
Take Wai Kit for example. He may have scored virtually Distinctions for all his modules in his first year, but he lost to a Chinese National. Else, his handsome photo would have been put up on his school's notice board.
We all know JayCees are better. Because they are called pre-tertiary education, which is a longer word than tertiary education. I heard anything longer means better.
But this type of thing just keep inside your hearts lah. If you are the best, you yourself know it, be humble and don't say it out. Compare here and there, later commit suicide because of small ******** again.
Posted by TheLast at 6:49 AM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Today, my friend asked to have a chat with my Father.
In the end I found out that all he wants is to sell some products to my Father or something along that line. He's in the telemarketing line now.
Wah lao eh. My Father isn't like me leh. You think he very easy to bully and cheat ah? In this case, Father is not like son.
I was
utterly disappointed in him. I understand he's just doing his job but this type of thing better don't involve your friends lah.
The end result is just a broken friendship. When it comes to money, everyone is everyone's enemy.
Not to forget that in Polytechnic life, friends are just like friends in the working world. It's like business, where friends are friends because you benefit. There are very few exceptions.
In my opinion, he has that type of thinking. Which means Polytechnic sucks.
Posted by TheLast at 8:35 PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Free admission for infant in arms and child aged below 2 years old. Child 2 years old and above must purchase ticket for admission.
* No Photography, Video recording and Audio recording is allowed for this event !
Duration: 2 hrs
Rating: PG - Some material may not be suitable for children
From the giant void of space 329,845km away from Earth, Jim Lovell and his crew first made history during the actual heroic events of April 1970.
Apollo 13 recreates the riveting drama about the effort to bring a three-astronaut crew safely back to Earth after the Apollo 13 space mission suffered catastrophic mechanical problems en route to the Moon. Made with NASA's collaboration, the highly suspenseful film is scientifically and historically accurate.
Experience the drama. Listen to the fateful words - "Failure is not an option."
Please tell me, thanks.
Posted by TheLast at 10:13 PM
Monday, April 24, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
So far so good. The modules for this semester are quite interesting. Finally, I'm starting to 'specialise'.
To be honest, I'm not that much into aviation. I chosed the course because of it's so-called 'good prospects', to play safe in other words. I very much prefer things like IT, game design and designing. Anyway, it's much better than screwing things up in Junior Colleges and ending up with an 'A' level cert only.
There's this module in which I must buy this book. It resembles POA bible a lot
Principles Of Accounts. Thick, heavy, full of words, very few illustrations and uninteresting
for now.

There's also this workshop module where I get to screw around with screws, bolts and nuts. It was quite fun and interesting but I cut my finger on the first lesson only. I cried for hours after that.
Hopefully, this semester will be as easy as the last. And I also hope that the lecturers will be very generous in leaking information to good students like me. Good students are students who attend all lessons.
To me, attending all lessons means you are 3/4 on your way to achieving an 'A'. You only need 1/4 of whatever you have to get the 'A'. That 1/4 means studying the night before the examinations.
Posted by TheLast at 11:11 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
Slight drizzle and light breeze.
Great atmosphere for doing a lot of things . . .

Posted by TheLast at 8:33 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
'The Bourne Identity' premieres on National TV!
I have it on DVD and have already watched it countless times. But definitely not as countless as the original Matrix.
A man (Matt Damon) is found floating in the Mediterranean Sea and is hauled onto a fishing boat. When the ship's doctor examines the unconscious castaway, he discovers two bullet wounds and an implanted device that displays a Swiss bank account number. With nothing but this code, the amnesiac Bourne travels to Zurich and gains access to a safe-deposit box containing a gun, thousands of dollars in various currencies, and valid passports from numerous countries--each listing a different identity. He then goes on the run from a seemingly ever-present agency, relying on language and fighting skills he didn't even know he possessed...

Posted by TheLast at 4:18 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Today I had my first lesson on web design. The full module name is called 'Principles Of Web Design'. But I don't think it really touches on the principles aspect. I think it focuses more on HTML programming and that's about it.
First lesson was extremely easy. Partly because a long time ago I self-learned using the internet.
The teacher like me a lot so she let me off early. I went to the aerospace lab to get a pair of earplugs. But the salesboy wasn't there.
Too bad too sad I then went off to Bugis Junction. Only to discover to my horror that
'The Sentinel' is showing only at 7.30 pm.
I walked around and drank some Jollibean's Soya Bean Milk. Browsed some magazines and looked out for some CDs.
After that I took the MRT to Tampines Golden Village to catch the movie.
I hate Tampines GV. Mainly because their seats are damn small and leg room is very small. But God left me no choice. Wai Kit always say GV's silver screen is bigger, but I always tell him that's because GV's cinema is small.
I bought the tickets but the pretty lady at the counter didn't believe I was asking for 1 ticket. She had to repeat her question but maybe I was talking to myself.
The movie's good. But there's nothing memorable. And it's definitely better than 'Firewall', which I watched twice. Eva Longaria is just a vase in the movie. But I'm not complaining. They should have just named Kiefer Sutherland's character 'Jack Bauer' because that's basically what he's portraying.
After the movie, I find myself in Music Junction looking for that Jolin album which has the song, 'Square Of Prague'. But I can't find it. The cashier was looking at me, wondering why this boy's been here so long. In my heart I said "sorry ah I'm just a poor boy" so I just walked off. I think it has got to do with my fake Diesel T-shirt and sandals. I wonder why my Seiko watch didn't do the trick.
The moment I reached home till now, I've been in my room f-ing around. Mr Singh says that's called funny-ing around. Ok, time for me to be serious and exercise. Got to keep my metabolism high.
Posted by TheLast at 10:28 PM
Suicide highlights importance of sex education in schools, says coroner
By Stephanie Yap
HE WAS a second-year student at a top junior college, a member of the school volleyball team, a 'cheerful and energetic' boy who was doing well enough in his studies to take Special Papers.
Yet on March 3 this year, the 18-year-old jumped to his death from a Bedok housing block, because he was convinced his private parts were too small.
Despite strong emotional support from his girlfriend and his mother, he remained convinced he had a problem. He also had a history of being stressed over schoolwork.
In January this year, he told his mother that his life was 'boring and meaningless' and that the only thing stopping him from suicide was his family's love.
Full story here.,5562,386326,00.html?For once, I strongly agree that Pornography should be banned. Western porn that is. I mean, if you've watched it before (
don't shake your head) you should know.
One of his friends probably did a 'Zikry' on him one fine day. See lah, I think the friend isn't laughing anymore.
Just in case you are worried (for boys) or don't know what to expect (for girls) . . .
******** Size Around The World
Flacid length/erect length (in inches)United States 3.4/5.0
Germany - na/5.6
Spain - na/5.3
France 4.7/6.2
Japan 3.1/5.1
Brazil - na/4.8
Italy 3.9/5.9
Venezuela 3.7/5.0
Mexico - na/5.9
Greece - na/4.8
India - na/4.0
Saudi Arabia - na/4.9
Chile - na/5.5
Colombia 3.5 5.4
Korea 2.7 3.7
Read more here.
Posted by TheLast at 8:49 PM
By Sharon See, Channel NewsAsia
Some primary school students have been taking Chinese lessons from animals.
In a bid to make learning the Chinese language more interesting for primary school students, the Singapore Zoo has produced booklets on Chinese idioms related to animals.
"Two tigers cannot live on the same hill" - it's a translation of a Chinese idiom reflecting the nature of tigers who are solitary hunters. The booklet tells it all.
"We hope to have a conducive and relaxing environment for them to learn Mandarin with no pressure at all. And this booklet is one of our many programmes. We have also improved our interpretive signage and map with Mandarin inside," said Fanny Lai, ambassador for Speak Mandarin Campaign.
"I find the booklet very useful because it has beautiful pictures and it's very interesting," said Primary 5 student Candice Wong.
"It tells us a lot of idioms of Chinese and background of the animals," said Jerry Heng, also a Primary 5 student.
But it's not all child's play.
The aim is also to help the English-speaking Chinese community pick up a thing or two about the Chinese language, and teach Mandarin-speaking senior citizens to conserve wildlife.
The booklet is sold at the Singapore Zoo and Night Safari for $3.
What's the point of all this when in my opinion, the true and only way to learn/master a language is to speak it regularly?
And stop teaching Mandarin in English. English just can't make the cut in terms of conveying the meaning. And vice versa. Direct translations are so funny.
I've got a classic example. Check this out, it's very cool!

Then now got what Speak Cool! campaign. Actually, they should change it to, "
Speak Super High Class Language!". Confirm plus chopped can work.
Posted by TheLast at 8:02 AM
Monday, April 17, 2006
It's witnessed and experienced by yours truly.
Today is the start of year 2.
I was very happy until Wai Kit spank my buttocks while I was buying food. He looked very happy doing that. That was the final straw.
Then Wai Kit commented on my dressing style. What to do. It's too unique to him.
He also scolded me for not letting him come to my house to watch football.
The SMS-es few days back :
Wai Kit's Hamfone : "Ur dates (i think he meant lao peh) today at home not can come watch manu match"
Me : "Cannot sorry.."
Wai Kit's Hamfone : "Y cannot sia"
Me : "my girlfren coming..."
Wai Kit's Hamfone : "Fuck u"
Today my friend said I like walking with him. Out of a sudden I thought he was being ghey.
But then I realise that he thinks I look tall standing next to him.
this type of thing need to look one meh?
Good job boy. You have to come to realise how I felt for 16 years. =(
Posted by TheLast at 5:16 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Instructions: Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.
(i didn't say the qns out loud la. like that'll make a diff. so retarded)How does the world see me?
Come Prima (For The First Time)- Patrizio Buanne
-what seh. the world sees me for the first time everytime they see me
Will i have a happy life?
David Tao - Bastard (My life is bastard-ed? haha Lyncia help translate!)
What do my friends really think of me?
Gay Chou - East Wind Breaks (hahahahahaha, i'm laughing at the direct translation)
Do people secretly lust after me?
Gay Chou - Her Eyelashes
- hahaha this is funny, her eyelashes lust after me! Screwing eyelashes...
How can I make myself happy?
Gay Chou - Black Humour
-watching black comedies is the way to go!
What should I do with my life?
Maggie May - Rod Stewart
- i will take this seriously.
Will I ever have children?
David Tao - My Anata (Lyn! help again! Translated i think it's Light of Dream? Ijit in England? ahhh dunno.)
What is some good advice for me?
One-Winged Angel - Kingdom Hearts OST
How will I be remembered?
Here I Am (Just When I Thought I Was over You) - Air Supply
- yeah man! bad news for u people hahaha.
What is my signature dancing song?
Credi in Te (Believe in Yourself) - Patrizio Buanne
- what?? sheesh. so not dance-able can.
What do I think my current theme song is?
Croatian Rhapsody - Maksim
- nice son... I mean music! but i really can't play piano THAT fast. hands get all messed up and just spits out everywhere la.
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Gay Chou - Third Year Class Number three
- rich and famous!
What song will play at my funeral?
The Carpenters - Solitare
- hahaha okay funny.
What type of men/women do I like?
Rod Stewart - Sailing
-the lyrics goes, "I am sailing ~ I am sailing ~ I am dying~"
What is my day going to be like?
David Tao - Everyday
Dumb thingy haha.Try it if u want!Some of them are so funnY!
Posted by TheLast at 12:51 AM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Posted by TheLast at 4:00 PM
Gay Chou with a silly-looking sweater spotted by fans while filming MV in London, England

Posted by TheLast at 12:50 AM
Friday, April 14, 2006
I finally realise that I'm very much slower than anyone else.
How come ah? How? How?
Anywhere I go, I see that most people are more advanced than me.
Examples :
Handsome Boy : "Haha look at the boy playing nintendo games! PSP is so for adults! Hah!"
Handsome Zikry-look-alike : "Haha look at that boy wearing Seiko watch. So like Ah Pek."
Pretty JayCee girl talking about MapleStory : "Haha look at that polytechnic boy so stupid and childish haha."So last night I cried in my bed face down, wondering why.
Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, I must go Si Beh Law to throw the many many lots to seek advices from Guan Yin.
On a more serious note, wah you all got read The Straits Times today?
Very tok kong got this very old boy raped his 5 daughters.
I say chop off his kukujiao* one centimetres/day till no more. The wives must also be punished, because 50% is the wives' fault.
*Kukujiao - Sim Hou taught me this word one.
Posted by TheLast at 10:59 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Wah seh, today for the first time, I went inside Victoria Concert Hall.
Before entering, I saw Sir Stamford Raffles.
My friend asked me to go to his school's band concert. I had nothing to do so I just went ahead.
Wah first time man really. Like concert like that. But very small, and the seats very small.
Their band is quite good. But I still almost fell asleep.
I lazy to take my camera, so I used my hamfone.

My Friend
The End
Posted by TheLast at 11:27 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
But no one asks the question why,
He has been here.
Old men kneel and accept their fate.
Wives and daughters cut and raped.
A generation drenched in hate.
Yes, he has been here.
And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.
Posted by TheLast at 10:41 PM
Monday, April 10, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006