Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I reached Orpit at about 9 a.m and started work all the way up till 5.45 p.m. I had some break in between for about 10 minutes(actually, the break is up till 1 hour but I had better things to do mens).
During the break, the lady(the person who recommended me the job) asked me to sit with her. I was damn shy mens. I didn't do the talking, she did the all talking. She asked, I answered. But of course, I tried to ask her some lame questions like what time am I going to knock off.
All I did today was stock-taking and some Microsoft Excel stuff. Sibeh song mens. Not bad for $696/hour.
I think I am the only part-timer there. Interesting place, the Orpit is. Toilet is super duper clean, just like my house's toilet.
After that, I met up with my Lao Peh to watch Tim Burton's Corpse's Bride. Though it isn't 'movie-of-the-year' material, it's definitely better than those Lame Hollywood films such as 'Sound Of Thunder' and 'The Cave'(very creative mens).
While on the way home, bumped into my Lao Bu.
My Lao Peh quickly run away. He left me in the lurch to talk to my Lao Bu.
Lao BuS will always be Lao BuS. My Lao Bu pattern is the same as my Ah Ma pattern. Both were very concerned about me. My Ah Ma actually took the trouble to call my Lao Peh to ask if I'm home already or not. They also asked me if I injured myself carrying things or not. I told them yes, I injured myself while typing.
I appreciate their concerns but seriously, I can do it! Even the Lady thinks I'm a year 2 Poly student.
Posted by TheLast at 10:22 PM
Today early morning wake up saw this. Wahahhahahahahaha. Vanessa cute and funny ah.
Posted by TheLast at 6:59 AM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Finally, 1st semester of Polytechnic life is gone.
To be honest, the Electronics paper was damn difficult. So many questions so many blanks!
But never mind, it only counts for 35% for the semester. I've calculated already, even if I didn't go to school today and take the paper, I would have passed with at least 60% overall. Secondary School should have this type of style mens.
To celebrate the end of exams(for now), I've added in some new stuffs in the drop-down menu at the top right corner. Please feel free to browse through. For the pictures you can click on it but it's not advisable for 56k users.
Tomorrow will be the day that I finally have a taste of working life. I can't wait for it.
Time to earn some moooola, buy the things I want to buy and do the things I want to do.
Posted by TheLast at 1:46 PM
Monday, September 26, 2005
Me : What's the deal with clubbing?FireIce : no big deal either u are there to dance, to drink, to pick up ppl, to be picked upProgene : yah...bnt 2 4get loud loud music n many many neon lights flashing ard...smoky a times too...kaobeikaobu : last time ppl go becos can play with cyalume sticks...(a.k.a glow sticks)alexkusu : to get aids n std
stellazio : Drink and dance..The man who was death : ask girl's no. under the influence of alcohol
Posted by TheLast at 4:26 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005

What a sad loss!
Posted by TheLast at 9:40 AM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Posted by TheLast at 10:12 AM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
One day 3 posts. Wah really the song mens.
I think I had finally found a job!
Just now this girl with cute voice called me, but her voice very soft.
Asked me for my WEIGHT and height! Embarrassing mens!
But then she said 'very good very good' in Mandarin. She say must be STRONG and RESPONSIBLE. Then keep laughing softly.
She said she is from the Singapore Sports Council! Damn weird, why got move computer parts one. Hahaha.
But never mind, what matters most is got job.
Sibeh song mens!
Posted by TheLast at 6:01 PM
Go MANUTD Go! says:
Now I know why Nurul call you Baba already
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
wad sia... i gave her the name bab lahs
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
Go MANUTD Go! says:
Baba means malay chinese
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
Go MANUTD Go! says:
some say you look like malay right
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
some only
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
Go MANUTD Go! says:
u racist
Go MANUTD Go! says:
why you say 'eeeyer'
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
cannot ar?
ミ☆ When the world gets in my face, I say : Have A Nice Daaayyyy says:
Go MANUTD Go! says:
You die
Go MANUTD Go! says:
I post on my blog
Posted by TheLast at 5:12 PM
One down, one to go. Thermofluids was easier than I thought, because 99% of the formula was given. The one left is Electronics. Tricky module, but I should be okay.
Officially, holiday starts on 2nd October, but to me it's here already.
I managed to find another job while surfing SGforums. Job is to carry computer parts and do some stock-taking. Hopefully everything goes off well and I will finally land a job.
I checked my weight last night and WTF I'm 73kg. I've been eating grass and air to save money but what is this?! Time to exercise again mens.
Posted by TheLast at 1:38 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
Planet-dissolving Dust Cloud Headed Toward Earth Monday September 12, 2005
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Scared-stiff astronomers have detected a mysterious mass they've dubbed a "chaos cloud" that dissolves everything in its path, including comets, asteroids, planets and entire stars -- and it's headed directly toward Earth!
Discovered April 6 by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the swirling, 10 million-mile- wide cosmic dust cloud has been likened to an "acid nebula" and is hurtling toward us at close to the speed of light -- making its estimated time of arrival 9:15 a.m. EDT on June 1, 2014.
"The good news is that this finding confirms several cutting- edge ideas in theoretical physics," announced Dr. Albert Sherwinski, a Cambridge based astrophysicist with close ties to NASA.
"The bad news is that the total annihilation of our solar system is imminent."
Experts believe the chaos cloud is composed of particles spawned near the event horizon of a black hole (a form of what's called Hawking Radiation) that have been distorted by mangled information spewed from the hole.
"A super-massive black hole lies about 28,000 light-years from Earth at the center of our galaxy," explained Dr. Sherwinski.
"Last year the eminent physicist Stephen Hawking revised his theory of black holes -- which previously held that nothing could escape the hole's powerful gravitational field. He demonstrated that information about objects that have been sucked in can be emitted in mangled form.
"It now appears that mangled information can distort matter.
"Just imagine our galaxy the Milky Way as a beautiful, handwritten letter.
"Now imagine pouring a glass of water on the paper and watching the words dissolve as the stain spreads. That's what the chaos cloud does to every star or planet it encounters."
To avoid widespread panic, NASA has declined to make the alarming discovery public. But Dr. Sherwinski's contacts at the agency's Chandra X-ray Observatory leaked to him striking images of the newly discovered chaos cloud obliterating a large asteroid.
"It's like watching a helpless hog being dissolved in a vat of acid," one NASA scientist told Dr. Sherwinski.
Ordinarily, Hawkings Radiation is harmless.
"It's produced when an electron- positron pair are at the event horizon of a black hole," Dr. Sherwinski explained. "The intense curvature of space-time of the hole can cause the positron to fall in, while the electron escapes."
But when "infected" by mangled information from the black hole, the particles become a chaos cloud, which in turn mangles everything it touches.
"If it continues unchecked, the chaos cloud will eventually reduce our galaxy to the state of absolute chaos that existed before the birth of the universe," the astrophysicist warned.
Some scientists say mankind's best hope would be to build a "space ark" and hightail it to the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.1 million light-years away.
"We wouldn't be able to save the entire human population, but perhaps the best and the brightest," observed British rocket scientist Dr. David Hall, when asked about the feasibility of such a project.
But even if such a craft could be built in time, evacuating Earth might prove fruitless if theories about the origin of the chaos cloud are correct.
"A black hole at the center of Andromeda is about 15 times the size of the one in our own galaxy," Dr. Sherwinski noted. "It might be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire."
Speaking under the condition of anonymity, a senior White House official said the president's top science advisors are taking the findings in stride.
"This is a lot like global warming, where the jury is still out on whether it's real or not," said the official.
"The existence of this so called chaos cloud is only a theory. Americans shouldn't panic until all the facts are in.
source :
Posted by TheLast at 12:00 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005

Posted by TheLast at 1:07 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
All thanks to Mel, I went for a job interview today.
First time mens, like a mountain-tortoise. Naturally I felt nervous.
The office was at Tanjong Pagar. Luckily I printed out a map from Street Directory so I founded it quite easily.

I see the Orpit all ladies one. A lady asked me to fill up form. Too bad I didn't bring camera, if not can take some peektures.
Then the lady asked me to go inside a room. Inside this room, got 3 walls, 2 chairs and a table.
Lady : "You are Ker Siang right? You called me just now."
This lady super-friendly styles mens.
Boy : "Yah."
Lady : "BLAH BLAH BLAH"(Briefing)
Lady : "Who recommended this to you ah?"
Boy : "Melissa.......PEH."
Don't know why, I emphasized a lot on 'Peh'.
Lady : "You from TP?"
Boy : "SP."
Lady : "Study what?"
Boy : "Aeronautical Engine."
Lady : "Huh what? Nautical? You write."
*Writes finish*
Lady : "What is that?"
Boy : "Repair Arrowplane."
Lady : "Waahh."
I think the Lady more mountain-tortoise than I was. Maybe she trying to act cute.
The whole thing was really fast-speed. I think I spent less than 10 minutes there. Actually, I don't know if I've gotten the job, but she asked me to come for the 'Training Programme.' Mel said should be then should be. Good mens.
It makes up for a rather sad day. My Manutd lost(I know it's a draw) but Looney is my hero of the day.
Posted by TheLast at 5:33 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
"SEXPO™ 2005 will bring to you stress-free seminar sessions addressing topics on sex and sexuality for different audiences, from teenagers, adults in courtship, married couples, parents, to elderly couples.
Interesting and unique elements will also be showcased, from latest adult novelty products, sex-friendly furniture, an exhibition on the evolution of undergarment and sensuous wear, to a demonstration and trial on intimate dance etc.
SEXPO™ promises to be a paradigm shift for many Singaporean on the topic of Sex and Sexuality."
Admission Fee:
Kids below 12 - admission free
Adult ticket($14.00) is for those 21 and above
Minor ticket($8.00) are for 12 and above but below 21 Click Here
Posted by TheLast at 11:35 AM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
It seems like more and more people are signing up for Electric Guitar/Keyboard etc etc etc music-related courses.
This reminds me of my first foray into Electone Organ.
I was still very young mens. I think I was in Primary 1. My Mother(still married to my Lao Peh) would accompany me to Organ lessons at Yamaha Music School(Marine Parade Branch).
I can still remember there were music like Kangaroo Song, The Amusement Park, Santa Claus and Music Garden.
For the first few lessons, my Mother would be beside me, learning to play the Organ as well. After that, I was all on my own. All the way up till Grade 7(from Grade 13).
I quitted in Secondary 2. I don't know why but I was just bored of it.
Thinking back, maybe I shouldn't have quitted. Because at times I have thoughts of getting on that keyboard again. I also wouldn't have wasted that $10K my father spent on buying the EL-500 Electone Organ for me.

That's the cliche part of life. You will never cherish it but once it's gone it's gone and it's hard to come back. It is cliche but it is so real mens.
Posted by TheLast at 5:47 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005

I will always remember Mario as the game which made me the gamer I am today!
Even the little Italian is older than me!
Posted by TheLast at 9:57 AM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Crazy cyber Jay fan initiates war with Rain by counting 5 big CrimesTranslation by: Chandie (
The competiton between Taiwanese heavenly king Gay Chou and Korean pop Prince Rain has taken a new form, from 'fighting' over spokesmenship of various companies, to two groups of internet fans fighting over their idols, using very harsh and vulgar wording.
A fan who deemed him/herself as a loyal Gay fan counted five big crimes Rain 'committed' on the net, saying, 'Using evil tactics to take away Gay's ad campaigns', attacking his physical looks saying, 'He has horrible looks', 'Tiny Eyes', 'Unsightly singing and dancing', 'Super Hateful' and even with rude words 'FUCK you Rain!'. Some even went to extremes in boycotting the products he is now endorsing.
Posted by TheLast at 9:19 PM
Friday, September 09, 2005
I realise that though the time difference between Poly's 1st year and Secondary's final year is small, but the change in everything is really very the big.
In Sec schools, you will hear the Fire Alarm at least once a month. But in the Polytechnic, all that changes so suddenly. I only came to this thought when I was playing with the Fire Alarm the other day.
I also remember very vividly, that some
Secondary 5 Einstein tried to use PAPER BULLETS to shoot at my favourite Tabloid Newpaper when I was reading it. He shoot never mind, but the stupid thing is he shoot also don't know how to shoot, anyhow shoot.
In Poly, it's different. Instead of shooting, people lean towards you and read together with you ala Best-Friend style. Some are even more friendly, they will try the best ways to tune their heads to look at the headlines of The Newpaper.
Then there's Wei Tian and You Feng. I will always remember. They used plastic bags to cover my head. Why must they do that? I don't know. Maybe they never wore a condom before. It is an insult. And when some insult you, it's very hard to not become a crybaby. I can't just stand there and cry inside me.
Thinking back, maybe I should have licked their boots frequently so that I can stay under their good books and be a 'best friend'(more like dog) to them.
But in Poly, it's a completely different case again. People(at least for my class) respect you, regardless of your looks, skin colour and gheyness. In my class, there is one ghey, but sadly enough, he is just a fake ghey.
Perhaps at that time the common mindset of students is that Student Leaders are arrogant or haolian. This I agree to a lot of extent. But I'm not one, and never was. I hated the Student Council more than you think I do. Some of the management in it was damn cocked up and bias. If it weren't for the CCA points, I would've been long gone.
And finally, the thing that will always be remembered. I think 3E4 was still in that early stage and Tang Pin Chen wasn't really that friendly to me. I remember him scolding me 'CHEE BYE LAH YOU VERY NOISY LEH'. That time I was like 'FUCK YOU MENS' but of course I never said it out because he is more handsome than I am. It's amazing how rocky and bad our initial impressions were of each other but now we are friends.
Time is of the essence and it flies really quickly. Actually I don't know what the former means but I find it nice to use because it sounds so poetic and sophisicated. Now the first semester of Poly is as good as gone(at least for me). Exams (and Promos for the Jay-cees' students) are coming and those who have not taken it Best Of Luck and may God Help You and to those who have taken but are waiting for results, may God Help You Too.
Posted by TheLast at 5:34 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Ragboy - Wednesday, August 24, 2005
God. Noticed a lot of changes in my friends! C1 now has purple hair, pin chen has grey hair, ZH kim moh and Eugene looked fcking handsome now with his contacts! Lol! He stunned me ytd arh! Whoah. Total change in his look. From geekness to Uber-Gentleman style. Shuai dai le la Eugene!How much does contacts cost now?
I saw my friend wearing Blue types. Super-stylo-milo. Looks like a mixed-blood boy.
But the other time, I saw him wear Brown types. Seriously, I find it pointless because if you look at yourself in the mirror, most of our eyes are brown.
Then what kind of dyes are there? How much ah? Dye already will die from cancer or not?
If I dye or use contacts, piak and produce baby, will the baby automatically have dyed hair or coloured eyes?
Quick give suggestions, Zikry is waiting.
Posted by TheLast at 6:25 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
I got the chance to watch movies with my Lao Peh again.
The best things about watching movie with my Lao Peh is :
-He pays for me
-He is very the 'on'
-He doesn't whine about the movie
-He travelled all the way from Jurong to Tampines to watch with me
We watched 'One More Chance' by Jack Neo and Co. As ever, the movie possesses the great 'Singaporean' flavour, which is something some crappy Hollywood movies will never possess. Though the ending sucked, it's very refreshing to watch Heartland movies on the big silver screen once in a while.
And I don't know what else to say mens. Recently, Inspirations are going away from me. Less and less things are happening in my life. But fear not, all these are going to change when the chalet comes in October 11th. Please go for the chalet!
Posted by TheLast at 8:53 AM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
My father say I must buy this to make my mustache grow beautifully and smoothly.
Seriously I have not tried it yet because not much to shave.

Posted by TheLast at 5:55 PM