
Friday, March 31, 2006

Wah I am feeling very honoured

SP sent me a letter, asking me to apply for this :


Sounds very tok kong and sophisicated. But what they didn't know is that me getting Distinction for C++ Programming was very tyco.

For the past few days, I only slept at 3 - 4 am in the morning. Today, I think I better sleep early.

Because I feel like crap everytime I wake up at 12pm plus. Mouth full of sticky saliva and throat feels like don't know how to say.

Then now my left eyelid feels very funny, like something is stucked there. Then the my right neck area is damn stiff and painful.

Father's on honeymoon again. So I'm the boy at home. No one cares about what I do. House's in a mess. I don't think I have the discipline to live without my Father yet.

Bangkok's trip is confirmed. This time going for 4 days.

Stupid courier boy was late. In the end, I only had my dinner at 8pm plus.

Posted by TheLast at 12:49 AM

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I've accepted the offer.

The game made me watch the movie again. It also made me listen to Gay Chou's In The Name Of Father, one of my all-time favourites.

Coincidentally, the Godfather movies are also one of my all-time favourites.

My benevolent father, I have already fallen

(I) cannot see the world of sins

Please forgive my self-pity

No one can say, no one will say

(that) It’s so hard to endure

Carved behind honour is a streak of loneliness

Closing both eyes, I can see again

The scene in my dreams back then

The sky is a thick fog

The Father, holds my two hands

(and) gently walks past

That quiet, still, early morning flagstone road

那斑驳的家徽 我擦拭了一夜
That decorated family emblem. I cleaned (it) the whole night

孤独的光辉 我才懂的感觉
That lonely radiance, I finally understand how it feel

烛光 不 不 停的 摇晃
Candlelight doesn’t, oh it doesn’t stop wavering

猫头鹰在 窗棂上
(An) owl is on top of the window beam

Gazing upon a place far away

通向 大厅的长廊 一样 说不出的沧桑
The gallery that leads into the hall cannot speak of it’s troubled past

没有喧嚣 只有宁静围绕
There's no more commotion. Only the tranquility that surrounds

我 慢慢睡着
I slowly fall asleep

天 刚刚破晓
The sky just broke into dawn

Posted by TheLast at 5:21 PM

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Dream Car


That time, my Father rented a Toyota Estima(the above is a Alphard, not sure how it's spelled) to drive to Joo Hoo to visit my relatives.

The car is really good and sibeh songs. You don't feel any bumps one, unlike taxis and buses. Somemore it's 3000cc wtf. Then inside is really sibeh the bigs. It's damn comfortable.

Toyota Estima

Of course, in Singapore can talk only. I think in my lifetime I will never own a car, much less own a 100k plus Multi-Purpose Vehicle.

But never mind, I always tell myself that I've got a chaffeur who drives me around in Mercedes-es and Volvos at a very low price.

Kawasaki(this one is old brand) also got, but that's when I go to Dover.

To Betty and Zulhelmy :

Actually, tomorrow is not some exclusive Ice Age 2 screening lah. Tomorrow is Sneak Previews. As the name suggests, the movie is not the full movie. The Board Of Censors will cut off those exciting parts to make you gian and pay another $8 to watch the full movie on it's official release.

Posted by TheLast at 11:05 PM

Monday, March 27, 2006

New Desktop

Finallys, after a few hours of learning and configuration, I've finally achieved my new desktop.

Ok lah, the wallpaper is still the same, but at least it goes well along with everything else.

If you are interested in customizing your own desktop -

1. Go to www.google.com.sg (must support Singapore)
2. Search for 'Objectdock', 'Visual Style', 'Neowin.net'.

Posted by TheLast at 2:15 AM

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'll be back

My laptop went mad and I lost all my data.

Luckily, I managed to save all my precious prawns and photographs and self-made videos.

Somemore my Father recently got the Creative's Zen Vision.

I had to help him convert some music videos. And I'm not even the one the using it.

Posted by TheLast at 1:07 PM

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Oh noes... I don't dare to look at girls already

Women-only coaches will foil perverts

The New Paper
March 22, 2006

TAN Mae Lynn's report on camera-phone perverts in trains, 'Click, and stranger on train takes home photo of her chest' (The New Paper, 19 Mar) is a reflection of the many sickos we have in our midst.

One effective solution would be to designate a couple of train coaches exclusively for women.

Japan has done this and I think it is a good move.
- C. Alicia

I don't know about you, but tell me which man isn't a pervert. Of coures, not to point of snapping pictures happily away on the MRTs and Buses. But having exclusive limited editions train just for the females is just stupid. Throw away the apple just because one part is rotten. Like that also give chance for SMRT... I mean the gahment to increase fare price again.

Singapore is not like Japan at all. Far from it. I think Japan would have laughed at the author.

This letter shows that the author want to act high class. But anyway, that's what most Singaporeans like to do, act high class. They want to be the untouchables.

Don't tell my mother okay but that's what she does. Act high class. She likes to speak English in a fake ang moh accent. Especially when eating at high class restaurants like Tony Romas (which in my opinion is overpriced and overrated. my mee pok wins on anyday) Sometimes I want to act like I don't know her, but she is my mother after all. The annoying part is her English sucks.

Don't know how to speak properly don't speak can. I may be getting A for my english O lebel and distinction for the second-rated students' version of General Paper, but the truth is I can't speak English fluently. My tongue gets all messed up when speaking English. I speak in mandarin if I can but as I progress higher up my eductional level, I find that there are many who like act high class.

That day I went out with my Ah Ma. She can't see very clearly nowadays so I accompany her go Chinatown and Peepur Park to buy some stuffs. One Indian asked me to buy some Singapore dollars just because I was carrying a camera.

Posted by TheLast at 12:37 PM

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What the Fuck

First, I would like to thank Benny, Hong Seng, Peck Chung Seng and Lou Jun teck, my Polytechnic friends, for being always there for me.

Secondly, I would like to thank Playstation and Nintendo, for being always there for me at home and in the MRT.

Thirdly, I would like to thank my good friends for being always there for me.

Forly, I would like to thank Zikry for his inspiring inspirations.

Fifthly, I would like to thank my teachers for being good teachers. Sorry, I mean lecturers.

So fast, turn one eye already 1st year of Polytechnic life is over. The results are so much better than I expected.

I was expecting a C/C+ but wtf I was on a different planet when I saw that I got 2 distinctions!

Critical Reasoning is something like GP. Must write a lot of crap. Kam sia Mr Ranjit Singh for your word list. Though I don't think I used it that much lah.

For now, time to play even MORE.

Posted by TheLast at 10:01 AM

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

It is an offer I can't refuse. =(

Posted by TheLast at 3:36 PM

Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm feeling healthier lately

These days, I rarely go out to eat.

My father now everyday sit at home, shake leg.

So he cooks for me. I think everyone will find his food crap. He doesn't use salt and MSG. He told me he scared he up lorry too fast too soon.

I have no complains. There's food, I'm happy. Somemore can save moola for my other important missions.

Today I went to Funan to buy some gaming stuffs.

On the way back home, I saw Terence (the skinny one from Tampines Secondary) and my other goot friend from YFC.

Terence spotted me while I was taking out my spectacles to rub my eyes.

The 2nd or 3rd line from him was 'wah you so fucking tall now'.

I have no choice but to reply, 'jealous ijit'.

I think they are ghey because oh noes they are two guys walking side by side together.

I think I'm just a loner who walked along the Citylink subway.

Or am I just independent?

I realise there are those who are so masculine that they always go 'eh accompany me to buy Maxim leh'.

No lah. I'm not saying that I'm masculine. After all, masculular people don't cry what.

Anyway, I may be flying off to Bangkok end of the month.

I hope I got chance to go.

I scared my father bring my laptop go there then stumble upon some important documents that are meant for my eyes only.

Posted by TheLast at 11:29 PM

Sunday, March 19, 2006


One entry found for fairly.
Main Entry: fair·ly
Pronunciation: 'far-lE, 'fer-
Function: adverb
1 : in a handsome manner < a table fairly set >
2 obsolete a : in a gentle manner : QUIETLY b : in a courteous manner
3 : in a manner of speaking
4 a : in a proper or legal manner b : without bias or distortion : IMPARTIALLY < a story told fairly and objectively >
5 : to a full degree or extent : PLAINLY, DISTINCTLY
6 : RATHER 5, MODERATELY < a fairly easy job >


Posted by TheLast at 9:15 PM

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Posted by TheLast at 10:27 PM

Friday, March 17, 2006

Wah I don't dare to go Thailand already


But I think my Father will still go one.

Because he isn't any typical Singaporean. His English is crap.

When you are overseas, you see some Chinese speaking English. You sure know it's 90% Singaporean already.

Not only that, your head will become Carrot for the locals to chop and eat.

Because the main idea is - English = High Class.

Don't believe next time you try to act mute and buy things when you are overseas. Then you try to talk in English and buy things. You will find that you are on a different planet.

Posted by TheLast at 10:58 PM

V For Vendetta

Just watched it today(yesterday) at Bugis.

While watching it, got one guy's spiky hair blocked my view. Made me sit up right, chest out, for the whole movie.

Overall a very good movie but it's not your typical Superhero movie. More on ideas, less on action. Natalie Portman's British accent seems forced.

Hear out for the chant that sounds exactly the same as Gay Chou's 'Blue Storm' prelude. (oh noes!)

Posted by TheLast at 1:37 AM

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Posted by TheLast at 12:03 AM

Monday, March 13, 2006

Don't say don't have

Simon, as your good friend I recommend you this laptop.

Haha, those pictures were taken during my stint at Singapore Sports Council. Full of crap and old IT stuffs there.

I miss that job. I can never find such a high-paying part-time job again.

Posted by TheLast at 11:00 PM

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Just got a laptop

Picture doesn't belong to yours truly. lazy to take ah

15.something widescreen. Bigger means can see clearer details
1.6 ghz duo core Intel.
2 gb of RAM. wah biang oi...
100 gb for Prawns.
1.3 Megapixel webcam. can cyber with Pinchen already *blush*
Firewire. Finally can edit and store self-made videos.

Today is Melissa's birday.

Actually, I wanted to buy something for her. I think think think for so long but in the end I decided not to. Too weird and too shy ah.

Anyone knows what happened to Wai Kit?

Crazy boy, I can't find him. I want to ask him to watch movie with Zulhelmy and Henry.

Anyone who sees him please contact me.

Things are a bit slowed-down these days. I'm quite busy even though it's the holidays.

I'm a little depressed too. =( With that fucked-up interview I had.

Have been Thinking too much. I feel very tired but I can't sleep at all.

Posted by TheLast at 6:09 PM

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Tonight got very good movie on Channel 5

The Pianist

Posted by TheLast at 8:58 AM

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Today is such a sad day.

Despite leaving my house 1 hour before hand, I was late for the interview.

I was late by 30 minutes.

The rest is up to you to imagine.

Because whatever the imagination, there will only be one outcome.

Posted by TheLast at 9:08 PM

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

No title

"Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers."

Cigarette Smoking Man

Quote and pictures from the X-files episode "Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man"

Posted by TheLast at 3:22 PM

Monday, March 06, 2006

Just now I saw an Old Friend

I was bored staying at home.

So, I went to Parkway Giant to buy some Magnolia milk and Bananas.

I saw my cousin at the lobby there, waiting for her friends. It's all destined!!!

I walked around MPH and Music Junction.

Then I went to Best Denki (a.k.a Best Connection) and saw my old friend. It's all destined. . .

She's working there part-time, waiting for her University posting. She's doing sales for the cameras. That's how I saw her, because I was looking at cameras.

She was a student leader at Tampines Secondary too. We used to do the 'duties' together.

She reminded me of those pledge-taking duties when she jokingly said, "Ker Siang today you say the pledge for me."

It's corny as hell but, never mind, it's funny.

She said I changed a lot. I got change a lot meh?

I had a huge sense of deja vu when she goes "You so tall now!" But I always feel I'm not tall enough.

Too bad so sad, who ask her to be taller than me last time. She's quite angry about that, but, she will move on.

She's also the cousin of a very goot Primary School friend of mine. It's all destined mens. . .

Recent events like these have made me think about how far I have come in life.

It seems like it's only yesterday that I was saying the Singapore pledge to the whole school. Ok lah, I know the first part is so wonderfully cliched

Tomorrow, it should be the gathering of old friends from the Primary School days.

But it was cancelled because not everyone can make it.

Too bad too sad, it seems everyone has moved on in life. . .

Posted by TheLast at 6:30 PM

Gay Chou got so muscular one meh?


This one reminds me of Dynasty Warriors.

Posted by TheLast at 12:07 PM

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Taking some rests

These few days, like totally no strength to type.

I've been hiding in the house for the past few days, waiting for my hair to grow back.

When I go out, I wear a exclusive very limited edition Tiger Beer cap. You all got or not.

Just now, I went out with Ragboy and company.

They keep asking me to be the Hen, and they are the chickens. The crowd is the Eagle.

And they keep saying that I'm some China tourist boy with that exclusive cap.

They are wrong mens.

Ever since that fateful day, I always wear a cap outside and two foreigners had asked me for directions.

One is a pretty Indian lady from New Delhi.

And the other is from don't know where. He looks like Stone Cold Steve August, wears a very cool pair of Sunglasses.

Tomorrow, got to mop the floor! I'm supposed to mop today but Father's not home so . . .

Posted by TheLast at 9:59 PM

Friday, March 03, 2006


For the past few weeks, porn was better than the movies showing at the cinemas.

Okay lah there's the ghey Cowboy movie and Munich. But it's R21 and M18. There's The Constant Gardener and Walk The Line. (The latter not really my type of movies lah)

There's also Underworld Evolution.(M18 too) It's a bad movie but you know how powerful Female leads can be. (Kate Beckinsale)

The last movie I watched was Syriana (Political thriller. . . When I watched the movie, there were many ang mohs watching too!)

But all that crap is going to change!

Because Ice Age 2 is coming soon. And so is V For Vendetta. After that you will have X-men : The Last Stand, Pirates Of The Carribean 2 and . . . the thing is many good and watchable movies are coming soon.

Pictures from Comingsoon.net

Posted by TheLast at 6:09 PM

Thursday, March 02, 2006

No title

I took these today.

This time round, I did some photoshop-ing on the peektures.

Posted by TheLast at 10:38 PM


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