
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Last night I watched Singapore Idol

Wah seh the Jonathan Leong is a handsum boy sia. Sing the song also very good. He should win the Singapore Idol.

I thought mixblood usually can win but I was wrong.

Posted by TheLast at 9:01 PM

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Like that also can

Posted by TheLast at 3:30 PM

Wah biang

Today, I discovered that my blanket is starting to smell like me. So I washed it and hung it out to dry. To my horror, Ti Gong decided to rain today. Time waits for no man as I was shopping at Parkway when all went black and rain starts dropping.

When I reached home, the blanket was so heavy that I almost fell down but luckily I was muscular enough. After such an experience, I will always bring the clothes inside to dry when no one's at home. =(

Posted by TheLast at 2:39 PM


華佗 Huà Tuó was a famous Chinese physician during the Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms era. He was the first person to perform surgery with the aid of anesthesia, some 1600 years before the practice was adopted by Europeans. He did this by first feeding the patient with wine mixed with a herbal concoction before carrying out the operation. It is said he looked like "a saint who had passed the gates of this life", and was "a man with the complexion of a youth and a snowy beard".

One of the most respected physicians in China's history, he was also one of the first physicians to devise exercises to enhance health. He developed a series of exercises based on the movements of five animals (tiger, deer, bear, ape, and crane) known as "Frolics of The Five Animals."

He was introduced to Sun Ce, by Dong Xi. Huá Tuó healed Sun Ce's general Zhou Tai who had suffered great injuries to rescue Sun Quan. He used drugs which healed Zhou Tai by the end of the month and was rewarded richly.

Huà Tuó was later called upon to cure a chronic and excruciating pain in Cáo Cāo's head, which turned out to be a brain tumour. Huà Tuó told Cáo Cāo that to cure him, he would have to open up his skull to remove the tumour. Cáo Cāo thought Huà Tuó had the intention of killing him by opening his skull. This was due to his fear of surgeons after Ji Ping, a former royal surgeon, attempted to assassinate him as part of Dong Cheng's girdle plot. Huà Tuó was jailed and ordered to death by Cáo Cāo. Legend has it that Huà Tuó gave his medicine booklet, the Qīng Náng Shū (青囊書), in which were recorded various ways to treat patients, to a prison officer before his execution; however, the wife of the prison officer burned the booklet out of fear of being implicated and only two pages of Huá Tuó's works were left. This loss to Traditional Chinese Medicine was irreplaceable. There is also a set of 34 paravertebral acupuncture points named in his honor, the "Huà Tuó Jia Ji." In some versions of Huà Tuó's death, however, it was said that he died of illness and was filled with agony to his last moment at not being able to cure his own sickness even though he was a doctor.

Huà Tuó's name is often being used synonymous with "miracle worker doctor" (神醫) in China. A particularly skilled doctor is often called "Hua Tuo Revived". (華佗再世)

Posted by TheLast at 12:28 PM

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Wah seh

It's a beautiful day.

Posted by TheLast at 12:21 PM

Monday, August 28, 2006

Scared of being fat

Last night after reading Sim Hou's message regarding my weight. I couldn't sleep.

I very scared that one day, I will be like my Father.

He's over 100 kg. 118 kg at his prime. I am very scared now. I don't know what to do.

Later I am going to have a heart-to-heart talk with my Father. =(

Posted by TheLast at 8:49 PM

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Drink more water okay?

It has been quite hazy for the past few days.

Probably caused by the burning of gold papers by 50% of the Chinese for the past month.

I feel so guilty. =(

Posted by TheLast at 7:28 PM

*Plays the scary X-files Theme*

Teen who died 'heard voices' along corridor

Today Weekend • August 26, 2006

A TEENAGER'S mother was so worried he would harm himself that she took precautions such as padlocking the window grille and hiding the key.

But in March, her worst fears came true: The 18-year-old junior college student was found dead after falling from the kitchen window of his 11th-storey flat.

At the Subordinate Courts on Friday, State Coroner Ronald Gwee recorded an "open verdict" for the case, reasoning that he could not come to a "firm conclusion" that the motive was suicide.

A stool was found directly below the kitchen window, which seemed to suggest the teenager had used it to climb onto the ledge. But, in District Judge Gwee's opinion, that was not sufficient for him to reach a firm conclusion.

The state of the boy's mental health just before he died was also something that police could not establish fully. But the statement given by the teenager's mother shed some light on problems he could have been experiencing.

His mother recalled an incident in February last year when she saw her son standing near the kitchen window at night. She said he looked "dazed", had his arms outstretched and was calling out her name. Worried, she carried him to the living room, commenting that his body "felt light". She also remembered that when the boy was playing computer games at home one day, he claimed he heard voices along the corridor, even though no one was there.

According to the statement, the mother even locked the window grille and hid the key, but somehow her son found it.

Investigators told the court they found no signs of violence or struggle and no indication that he wanted to end his life prematurely. Interviews with the boy's family and friends revealed that he was close to his loved ones and did well in school.

Said one of his neighbours: "When I met him at the lift, he would greet me and smile, but he wouldn't say much. I was in shock when I heard he had died." — Lee U-Wen

Posted by TheLast at 10:08 AM

Friday, August 25, 2006

Limited 2006

Posted by TheLast at 11:19 PM

Is Singapore going to ban this?

Jokes aside, movies nowadays tend to paint a very dark future. Dark City, The Matrix, Minority Report, The World Of The Wars, V For Vendetta and the list goes on.

"Children of Men" envisages a world one generation from now that has fallen into anarchy on the heels of an infertility defect in the population. The world's youngest citizen has just died at 18, and humankind is facing the likelihood of its own extinction.

Set against a backdrop of London torn apart by violence and warring nationalistic sects, "Children of Men" follows disillusioned bureaucrat Theo (Owen) as he becomes an unlikely champion of Earth's survival. When the planet's last remaining hope is threatened, this reluctant activist is forced to face his own demons and protect her from certain peril.

Posted by TheLast at 5:25 PM

I don't believe! =(

The Myth of Converting Fat to Muscle
Muscle and fat are different tissues, and fat does not convert to muscle through weight training or any other form of exercise. Muscles do burn calories, however, even when at rest, and when calories are burned in excess of the calories consumed, body fat is reduced. You may not lose weight from weight training alone (because muscle is denser than fat), but you can lose inches and redistribute weight as your muscles grow and become more toned. Alternate days of weight training with aerobics to quickly tone your muscles and reduce body fat.

Posted by TheLast at 9:32 AM

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I feel like sleeping

Posted by TheLast at 1:59 PM

The Lowhand Boy

Good job man Uncle Sim. Your fellow countrymen always look down on you. It's really quite sad. But you happy can liao.

ST, Aug 24, 2006

SAN FRANCISCO - Apple Computer said it will pay US$100 million for a licence to use Creative Technology's patented technology in its iPod music player, settling all legal disputes between the two companies.

US-traded shares of Singapore-based Creative surged 25 per cent in extended trading following the announcement. Apple shares slipped 0.2 per cent.

Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said the agreement ends five lawsuits between the companies 'and removes the uncertainty and distraction of prolonged litigation'.

'Creative is very fortunate to have been granted this early patent,' he added.

Creative, the world's second-largest maker of MP3 music players after Apple, sued Apple in May alleging the California-based computer maker had infringed a patent on its 'Zen' player over technology for navigating through songs on the popular iPod digital music player.

Apple in June counter-sued, while Creative took the case to the US International Trade Commission and sought a permanent cease-and-desist order against Apple.

Settlement 'amicable'
Mr Jobs said further that the settlement 'resolves all of our differences with Creative.'

Creative Chairman and CEO Sim Wong Hoo called the settlement 'amicable'.

The one-time licensing payment would add 85 cents per share to Creative's earnings in the current quarter, which ends Sept 30, he said.

The settlement also allows Apple to recoup a portion of its payment if other electronics companies license Creative's technology.

Shares of Apple shed 28 cents to US$67.12 in extended trade after the settlement announcement. The stock had closed down 31 cents at US$67.31 in regular trading on Nasdaq.

Creative shares rose US$1.49 to US$7.50 in extended trading after closing down 5 cents at US$6.01 on Nasdaq. -- REUTERS, AP

Posted by TheLast at 8:24 AM

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I'm not sure

It was the end of exams. I played some football and ate some MacNorNia.

On the way home, I saw my newly bought bag already deteriorating due to the passage of time. It has only being a month but it wears away so fast. I'm not sure if it's me that is lousy or if it's the bag that is lousy.

To give myself another pat on the back, I also ate Bak Kut Teh at Eunos MRT station.

While eating, I looked around me. I'm not sure if it's the world that's spinning away from me or if it's me that's spinning away from the world.

Posted by TheLast at 11:38 PM

Good job man gay chou

The singing has improve so much. No more mumbling no more slurring.

But your music sound so monotonous. The intro sounds like chicken backside. You should perhaps make some trance/death metal music. Stop making China Wind music, it's not cool enough.

我送你離開 千里之外 你無聲黑白
沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛
我送你離開 天涯之外 你是否還在
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待

Posted by TheLast at 2:04 PM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Time to protect the Foreign Talents

I am going for National Service in about 2 years time. I will learn my trade, protect my country, my family, my friends and most importantly, foreign talents that is essential to the existence of Singapore.

Speaking of foreign talents, I think it's all destined. When I was young, I always hold the chopsticks at the furthest ends. So my Ah Ma always say that I'm going to marry a wife from a galaxy far far away.

I am very keen and no words can describe how enthusiastic I am.

I will lose my jobs to the Talents while in NS. I will lose many potential life-time partners to the Talents while in NS.

After NS, jobs may be available but due to the competitiveness, it's important that I don't be choosy and choose whatever comes my way.

But it's okay, it's alright. I do my NS, while the Talents do their work. As long as it's for Singapore, I will do it. Because I love Singapore. It's a Global City, Our Home.

What's a Singaporean boy's life when the country can prosper and become the Paris Of South East Asia? Swiss Chocolates don't taste that nice anymore.

Tears filled my heart as I type this. Because I can't believe I'm going to do something noble for my country. Majulah, Singapura.

I stole the beer from my Father. Don't tell him okay he say I cannot drink too much because later my liver explode. By the way, I also like the Hums in Laksas and Char Kway Tiaos. But I didn't know Mee Siam has them.

Posted by TheLast at 6:28 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

Taiwan Hamfone

Product : Dopod
Model : Scarlett Johansson
Hands : Yours truly
Photography : Yours truly

Posted by TheLast at 11:28 PM


Posted by TheLast at 8:18 AM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I will go to Old Trafford and smell the grass one day

Posted by TheLast at 11:10 PM

Saturday, August 19, 2006


1 。

2 。

3 。

4 。

5 。

6 。

7 。

Posted by TheLast at 10:40 PM

It's been a long time

Since I've taken the time to sit down and watch a movie. =(

Did I leave the tap running, or is the apartment getting more tearful? I always thought it would cope okay. Didn't expect it to cry so much. When people cry, they can dry their eyes with tissues. But when an apartment cries, it takes a lot to mop it up.

It's about two matas, code no. 223 and no. 663, who had lost their girlfriends. It shows loneliness, sadness and pain. Faye Wong is damn cute in this.

Posted by TheLast at 1:27 AM

Friday, August 18, 2006

Very Hungry

Don't know why out of a sudden I feel very hungry. 3 eggs and onions. The onions cannot see, but inside got onions.

Posted by TheLast at 3:33 PM

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Walking around Parkway

I feel that I am automatically very shy nowadays. Before the exams today, a girl pulled a girl away to make way for me to walk as I was rushing to the venue. I just walked past them, ignoring them. But actually I was very touched.

I suddenly feel that I am the loneliest boy in the world. Walking around Parkway, everyone is so happy with their friends. JayCees, Secondary, and Primary people. My Father is at Thailand with his girlfriend, and my sister is experiencing puberty, everyday singing extremely poppy songs that makes me cry.

I ate MacNorNia again today. The other day I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw one big pec. Recently it reduced to one small pec. But I ate MacNorNia again. I just couldn't control myself. I wanted to eat more french fries to improve my english-speaking skills.

After dinner and some looking-around, I waited for the bus and this really small boy pointed to me and shouted 'Superman!'. The Father asked him, where got Superman? I felt like squeezing that boy's cheeks and I still want to.

Posted by TheLast at 7:15 PM

Gay Chou

In 1983 alley in December was sunny The surface □7th chapter of typewriter □□pushes to □the bureau depth □next line □□that □□□looked □withers □□also □emperor □I to cry □front to look □the shape □□goes home only is under the sad □moonlight badge micro □ □the person □□□missing north evil □the ideal which □the under manuscript is blue under □the multi- advantages □moonlight □receives □hands over □the palm of the hand melts □in □□□not to hang in the pseudomorph which □on destroys The contradiction leads to his □street the alley □to take the crime which □perfect □Zhang Neits'ao □□cannot □control on the picture I □□□□cruel □Zhang Pa? has planted the ideal I □□the hand □on The dawn light □dryly blew □□the black ink to burn □the fragrance together This □only can blow to □has □India's soil suddenly 兀 □□fantasy to be allowed the faith not to be disloyal Each □person □different reason □□mask □□only has one kind of name that to tonight to be called the desire Farfartherfarther hryy farfartherfartherfarfarfarfar... □the will of the people is more artificial □□may not make □ I □could formerly light having move until the truth □ The destruction roof louvre window to finally one □all surmounts ordinarily I listen □□step □am □the material □the leather shoes with He pushes late □□□good is cold □has □drafts He listen in □□name □my □body Extinguishes □□the nighttime sky □beginning boils □ Du?hua on □□□puts the night the dawn My □□last delightful 恣 thought The recollection recollected □also only is An? lives □ Violin in Thames river bank You?

Posted by TheLast at 9:18 AM

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Humming In The Rain

Recently, there's been a few rains here and there. So when I go out, I carry this small umbrella. When I unleash it and hold it, I always hummed to Gay Chou's '简单爱' out of a sudden. Don't know why.

Posted by TheLast at 11:27 AM

Monday, August 14, 2006

I see more and more Ang Mohs everyday

It's true. For the past month or so, it's significant enough to stand out in my blain. I feel that I see more Ang Mohs everyday. On the MRT, on the Buses, and at Parkway Parade.

I think it's excellent and wonderful news for the people of Singapore. This means in the not too distant future, Singapore's gene pool will be much more stronger, more muscular, better and disease-free.

Everytime I see Ang Mohs, I feel such a great sense of inferiority. Even greater than Spiderman's Spider Sense.

For males, they are so tall, so handsum, chiselled face, high nose bridge, sharp nose, and so muscular. For females, they are so tall, sharp chin, high nose bridge, sharp nose, big breasts, long legs, shiny legs, wide hips, and so sexy.

Am I feeling insecure about myself? No I'm not. I've live long enough to do away with the firewall surrounding me. In fact, I love Ang Mohs. They are actually funny people.

They talk very good english. So good that they can make me go nodding even if I don't understand them. It's like watching Hollywood movies without the Chinese subtitles. But you will still understand the story.

Once at the my house's downstair, there's this African-American who wears hip-hop style and asked me for directions. I told him to take a bus but he don't want, he die die wants to walk. So I told him like that then like that and like that you will reach Parkway Parade. He said thank you man and at that moment it was probably the proudest moment of my life - An Ang Moh thanking me.

Once at a shop in Funan IT Mall (the coolest place on Earth), the sales-lady kept attending to the Ang Moh and no one gave any attention to me. I didn't feel offended as it allowed time and space for myself to give some consideration on the stuffs I was going to buy. Till this day I couldn't find the Ang Moh and if I did, I would like to thank him for that.

Once while waiting for eternity for Bus 196 to arrive. An Ang Moh out of a sudden asked me what a Raintree is. I pointed to heaven and then to the Raintree. He asked me why is it called one. So I said, "Yah know, trees are mysterious organisms. When the rain comes or the sun goes down, the leaves of the raintree shuts itself up. Other than that two conditions, they stay open. Yah know. Exotic eh?" The Ang Moh was very surprised by my level of knowledge. As they used to say, Knowledge is Power.

Last time, I used to attend The British Council at the Temasek Polytechnic of Singapore. The Ang Moh teachers there are great people. They like to, for some reason, show us the short films of Wallace and Gromit. Anyway, I never had the chance to thank them because as of today my English is better than my Chinese technically. I used to get Zero for English last time. A few hundred years ago my Father always kill me for my English, but nowadays he always express his disappointment at my lack of Chinese knowledge. As they used to say, Time and Tide changes a man.

I see the increase in the number of Ang Mohs as the final jigsaw to the completion of a Westernised and Global City, our Home. The Chinese are half-done and it will not be long before other races follow suit. But first, Paul Twohill has to become the best Idol in the world and take the lead in the Singapore remake of The Ring.

Posted by TheLast at 11:40 AM

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Man Lian 3 - 0 UEFA Cup Champions

Posted by TheLast at 8:02 AM

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sharpest Man-made Thing

Click here.

Posted by TheLast at 8:14 PM

I feel so ashamed of myself today

On the way to Parkway Parade, my Father mentioned that the Best Idols in the World are going to be there today.

True to his words, I saw a really huge and expensive stage that is set to be the Best in the World at the basement level of Parkway Parade. My Father knew it and I didn't. I feel so sad and ashamed of myself.

We went to buy some stuffs at Giant Supermarket. After that we had lunch.

During lunch, we had a conversation.

Me :
How come just now that two charbors beside us kept staring at us?

Father : Because we handsum.

Me : Talk cock.

Father : No lah, they see how come the Father so young yet the son is so big already.

Me : Pi lah.

Conversation is directly translated from Chinese.

My Father is so old, yet still so full of shit.

After lunch, we went to the M1shop and my Father bought Nokia's N70 for his Thaicock girlfriend. The girlfriend is very lucky and the boyfriend is very stupid.

Because of that, I'm only going to get my new hamfone on Monday.

Posted by TheLast at 1:21 PM

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Smile when you are winning

At David Tao's fanclub anniversary.

Posted by TheLast at 9:28 PM

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Breakups Happen In The Rain

你 知 道 吗? 爱 你 并 不 容 易
Did you know? Loving you wasn't easy
是 需要 很 多 勇 气
It took a lot of courage
是 天 意 吧 让 我 爱 上 你
Wasn’t it fate that led me to love you?
但 你也 离 我 而 去
And yet, you have now left me

What a saaaddd song.

I would like to dedicate this song to my beloved country. (and friends)

Last I heard, Simon you are going to join NS soon which means you are converting citizenship. Time to love Singapore. I can remember from the back of head that you wore red T-shirts to school on National Days. Even I as a Singaporean don't do that.

Everyone stand up for Singapore, and do the best you can.

May there be more good and loveable years ahead.

Posted by TheLast at 11:03 PM

You know you think too much when

Friend : Eh the Energy haven't split ah?

Me : Huh?! I thought Energy cannot be destroyed or created . . .

Friend : Fuck lah I talking about that Taiwan E.N.E.R.G.Y band.

Moral of the story : Think simple.

Posted by TheLast at 11:52 AM

Monday, August 07, 2006

3rd world service in a 1st world country

I finally bought my pair of sandals yesterday. Unfortunately, there isn't the size for the Nike one that I liked, so I settled for Merrell.

I also bought a few printer's cartridges, an optical mouse and some photo papers.

I bought my sandals at Royal Sporting House. The first girl that served me was very good. Approachable, and is also quite a looker. But the second isn't so. She had bad attitude. She thinks I'm going to steal something. It has to be the attire I was in. It has to be the attire my Father was in. It has to be the attire my sister was in. Brandless T-shirt, short pants, and old and tattered shoes. But when it comes to the payment part, the attitude changes when my Father paid using his Aluminium card.

The same can be said about the shop where I bought the computer stuffs from. The salesboy can go from not-happy-face to 'Thank you sir!' when my Father paid using his Golden card.

It's not so sad that looks play such an important part of life. But it's sad when it determines your ability to buy things, and your ability to 'deserve' the different kinds of attention and services.

Posted by TheLast at 6:47 PM

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Tao Ji Ji

After this and Gay Chou, that's about it for the year.

Posted by TheLast at 9:00 AM

Friday, August 04, 2006

Gay Chou copy Madonna

Posted by TheLast at 5:12 PM

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Now I know why

I finally know why people nowadays don't like and don't speak Chinese.

The other day I spoke Chinese and people thought I'm a foreigner!

Posted by TheLast at 8:05 AM

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm going to Thailand again

*Slaps forehead*

Posted by TheLast at 3:48 PM


1. sleep
2. kfc
4. prawns
5. pig liver
6. mee pok
7. grass jelly
8. authentic manutd jersey
9. be a muscular boy =(
10. no more

1. get married by 22
2. have a dog, a cat and some fishes!
3. have a good job boy
4. a football team
5. to be able to go si beh law still
6. to be a great and holy person! must be caring, kind, loving..blablabla...
7. to bring my entire family on a super holiday
8. to be able to speak well and influence people!
9. not have ball ball cancer (1 in 3 boys get it!)
10. have more moRE MORE friends!!!!

1. HER!
2. my childhood
3. ranjit singh
4. zikry
5. sitting at a corner and reading roald dahl the whole day
6. hearing my parents sing & sayang me to sleep
7. playing catching
8. doing art and craft
9. playing the organ
10. watching the movies with my father

1. sleep
2. kfc
4. prawns
5. pig liver
6. mee pok
7. HER!! (not 100% confirm la!)
8. washing the toilet
9. movies
10. no more

1. myself

1. cannot say =(

if u wana do, go ahead!
it would be nice to know more abt you!

Posted by TheLast at 6:32 AM


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