
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

He has Returns!

My new desktop for the month. June is the month of Superman!

Go to 'Calendar' on your Nokia Hamfone and mark down the date *28th June 2006.

*Dates are subject to change

You must surely have seen the somewhat 'extended' trailer before the start of X-men : The Last Stand. With Bryan Singer at helm, there's little chance that Superman will suck.

With Bryan Singer gone, X-men : The Last Stand was crap. It's good as a standalone movie but compared to the first two, it lacked substance. It was noisy, has poor pacing and poor character development.

Check out the new poster :

To celebrate his return, I searched the skies and found the fake costume I bought quite a long long time ago. Okay, it's not a costume but it comes close as a T-shirt. It's really tight and small.

Posted by TheLast at 9:45 PM

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I received a not-so-important email today

And I learned a new word.

What RSVP Means

The term R.S.V.P. comes from the French expression "répondez s'il vous plaît", meaning "please respond".

If R.S.V.P. is written on an invitation it means the invited guest must tell the host whether or not they plan to attend the party. It does not mean to respond only if you're coming, and it does not mean respond only if you're not coming (the expression "regrets only" is reserved for that instance). It means the host needs a definite head count for the planned event, and needs it by the date specified on the invitation.


It's very difficult to learn new things from emails nowadays. Because at one time, my inbox peaked at 712 email messages. 99% are junk messages. But still, I was determined and checked my email everyday, looking for that silver lining, for that all important and real email. Recently, I finally cleared my inbox and started anew. I think I must do that really frequently, because I think it brought me good luck.

Posted by TheLast at 7:13 PM

Monday, May 29, 2006

A Scanner Darkly

In the end, it offers only the slightest of answers and the slimmest of hopes, because that is often all life offers as well. Whether anyone grasps that hope it leaves open for the audience to determine. The open-endedness and general slowness of the plot make "A Scanner Darkly" a bit of a difficult pill to swallow, but not an unpleasant one. As difficult and painful as it can be for humanity to face the darkest sides of itself, the fact that it can still ask those questions is cause for hope, and that might be all anyone can ask for.

Full review at:

Posted by TheLast at 6:07 PM

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I love Kang Kong

But it's quite expensive for a vegetable.

Posted by TheLast at 9:25 PM

Friday, May 26, 2006

A stranger gave me a sweet today

It was morning, I was on my way to the MRT on bus 13, and then came this old lady who sat beside me.

At first, she kept observing me. Then, out of a sudden, she pushed a sweet onto my right hand. I was very surprised, and then we had a conversation in Hokkien-Chinese :

Ah Um : "You go study is it?"

Me : "Ah."

Ah Um : "Study what school?"

Me : "Singapore Polytechnic."

Ah Um : "Oh, I didn't study. I don't know what's that." *with a laugh*

Me : *Also laughs*

Ah Um : "You must study hard. Earn money!" *with laughter*

Me : *Continue laughing*

I was about alight soon, and then . . .

Ah Um
: "You going to change bus?"

Me : "Ah." *with a smile*

Ah Um
: "Bye bye!"

I was seriously a very happy boy after that conversation.

My parents and Civic And Moral Education told me that I should never accept sweets from any stranger. But I ate it after school anyway. It tastes like Bird Nest.

After school, I reached Eunos MRT and bought 5 Tutu for $2.00. There's a Pasar Malam there currently.

When I was very young, living at Geylang, my Father would always buy it for me from City Plaza. (Can see from Paya Lebar MRT Station) That was a long time ago, it cost only $1.50 for 5 then.

And please support her when watching X-men The Last Stand.

She gets very little screentime only as Rogue.

Posted by TheLast at 7:35 PM

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My wife is going to commit suicide

I alighted bus 13, checked the mailbox, decided to be lazy and take the lift, then came this handsum guy with distinct jawlines. He looks like he hasn't eat for weeks.

At first, he quite high class, because he talked to me in English. He showed me a typical medical card, and asked me to check what's the date of the appointment. I said 25th. I know I may look stupid, but it's obvious that he has changed the date on it. But I played along anyway.

Then he told me about his wife's hospital appointment. That she's mentally-ill, and is about to commit suicide anytime soon. He went one big round before asking me for money. I gave him $1.30 anyway.

But he get one inch wants another inch longer, he wanted more money to 'pay the registration fees' at the hospital.

The handsum guy reeked of cigerattes' smell. Apparently he's not that cool now. And when he talks, he doesn't look up at me in the eyes.

He kept talking cock to me before I started sounding more muscular and angry. It's only then that he walked away. I think I need to be less nice and kind in the future.

Lesson(s) learnt :
Don't take the lifts. Take the stairs.
Be kind to yourself, your other half, and parents only.


If you are watching X-men The Last Stand, remember to stay till the credits end.

Extra Clip After the X-Men Credits
Source: Superhero Hype!
May 24, 2006

Superhero Hype! got a chance to see X-Men: The Last Stand on Tuesday evening and we can confirm that there is an extra clip after the ending credits. While the clip is fairly short, it is quite significant in what it reveals. So, do remember to stay in your seat until you've seen everything!

Posted by TheLast at 4:40 PM

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Advent Children

Hair Like Snow



It's good to see that someone, like me, is going for a healthy lifestyle too. Everyday without fail, I will climb the stairs to the MRT platform. Now, please don't say that I want to act 'fit'. 'fit' cannot act one, if you are fit you are fit. I believe that with technology such as lifts, it's highly important and essential that we humans don't rely too much on them. We should make the effort to climb the stairs unless we are aiming for the 13th floor.

In school, I see people taking lifts just to ascend one floor, which is already very tok kong. But the most tok kong part comes when they take the lifts just to descend one floor.

I'm not trying to be a Holy boy here. I admit I used to be like that. But one day, I finally realised the truth and decided that I should seek a healthier lifestyle for the benefit of my future and life. So, change your life for the better now, it's not too late.

Actually, I climb stairs because I want to prepare myself for NS (and also lose fats). It may seem laughable, but however laughable it's still a small step. A small step is still a step. =(


Finally, after months of resistance, the dark side has failed. My friend got it for me from Australia.

I've only watched the few opening moments. It's really good. The animation, characters, and soundtrack. Thankfully, there's the Japanese dialogue with English subtitles. Needless to say, this type of movie is basically eye-candy only. All style not much substance.

Posted by TheLast at 9:31 PM

Monday, May 22, 2006

Wah, check this Holy Boy out


I refer to the recent advertisement on television, especially on the channel Kids Central, promoting the album Kidz Bop.

I wonder if parents would want their children to have this album. Its songs are popular hits with lyrics that are saturated with pessimism, love, and even sex. It is a sad commentary on the times we're living in. A time when morals are seen as irrelevant to society.

The song Welcome To My Life reflects the angst and hurt of teens. It is an undeniable reality. But are these values really 'what kids need', as the advertisement claims?

Nicodemus Ching Cheok Hui

Which instantly remind me of this :

http://www.todayonline.com/articles/119291.asp for full article by Mr Brown.

The new Superman movie must be banned at any cost!

AS a parent of three, I am increasingly concerned about the spate of movies coming our way that may influence our kids.
Take for instance this upcoming movie, which is fiction masquerading as fact, about a baby from a faraway place who comes to earth, and grows up possessing supernatural powers that he uses to save the world.
Yes, of course, I am talking about the new Superman movie, Superman Returns. I think we should ban this movie. At the very least, try to get an NC16 rating for it.
Young, impressionable minds may watch this "work of fiction" and believe that Superman actually exists! Then we will have to deal with an epidemic of young people who think they too can fly! Or worse, think they should walk around wearing their underwear outside! Think of how this will rend the very fabric of society.

Posted by TheLast at 6:44 AM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Oh noes, it's the end for Gay Chou.

After almost 6 years in the entertainment industry, the time has come for the curtains to close on Gay Chou's illustrious career. Though it may seem abrupt and unexpected, the Signs are there for years already.

1. Perhaps the strongest sign that he has lost his balls. Zero nominations on his 6th attempt to win a Golden Melody Award. Said that he's already happy that his Mama's group is nominated, but most probably he's just consoling himself.

2. Blatant copying and stealing of works by Alexander Wang Lee Hom, David Tao Ji Ji, Wayne Lin Jun Jie, Godfather Theme, Fort Minor, Maksim, I Not Stupid 2 Main Theme, Japanese Singers, Korean Singers, North-Korea Singers, Ninja Gaiden, Street Fighter's Chun-Li, Castlevania, Chinese Chess, Ping Pong Balls, Lion Dance Theme, Dragon Dance Theme, Frédéric François Chopin, Bruce Lee Xiao Long, Yeh Hui-Mei, Blizzard's Warcraft, Hitler, Khrushev, Stalin, Istanbul, Panasonic hamfones, Black singers, Jacky Wu, etc etc etc. Wow, it's pretty amazing that he isn't choked full of lawsuits, corright or not?

3. Break-up with Patty Hou. The every boy's dreamgirl. It was said that she broke off with him because he wasn't even nominated for any awards, which put stains on her high-class reputation. In other words, make her no face to face people.

4. Too ugly and not handsome. The obvious sign that it's already the end for him even before he begun. Too ugly to be talented. Too impossible. He makes a point that Taiwan singers are not just looks and zero substance, but ironically it went against him.

5. Mumbles too much. Speaks like there's a frog in his throat, sings like there's a frog in his throat. Failed to point out that that's the way RnB is sang. Blasted for his monk-like chants. Some even say they can understand Japanese and Korean but not his Mandarin and Hokkien mumbling.

6. The second coming is coming on 06/06/06. It is the day that Gay Chou will die and rise from the ashes with a new name and go behind the scenes to write songs for Hong JunYang and Sylvester Sim Xiang Long.

Posted by TheLast at 12:27 PM

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Today is such a bad day

Much as I frequent the MRTs, I have never had any weird encounters. Strange enough, today is the day, of all days.

I was on my way to school to do some work. Then came this woman who stood beside me as soon as I stepped into the train. She kept giggling. Then she also kept looking at me. What the fuck. So I stared back at her.

Instead of looking or walking away, she dropped her head down. Nabeh, still can act shy. She's in her 40s, more than a head beneath me, has fake brown hair, wears a V-neck top with a flat silicon valley, and short shorts with pink colour flowers.

I quickly made my great escape to the more crowded cabin. Then came a middle-aged man.

He stood in front of me, scratched his hair and nose, pinches his nose, dug his nose with 2 fingers, and flicked his nose crap towards me. The crowd then started to disperse. I took a seat and this man followed suit. He sat beside me and said to me in Mandarin : "Wah today Saturday MRT so many people." followed by, "I not enough space to seat leh." I acted blur and tried to sleep. After a while, he alighted.

The ultimate blow came when I reached school. I forgot that Free Lab Access closes at 12.30pm. It was already 2.00pm plus.

Too bad so sad so I went home. Time was wasted but it's the same if I were to stay at home. I then reached Eunos MRT station, only to see that number 13 had just gone.

It was the final nail in the coffin. Nothing important happened, but it's quite a bad day.

Posted by TheLast at 4:34 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

The DaVinci Code

I've never read the book, so I was very much looking forward to the movie. Tom Hanks is a huge factor too as he is a very good actor. Critics haven been blasting the movie since yesterday, general consensus is that it's boring and dull.

It isn't boring or dull. But confusing. It doesn't help with the additional French accent thrown into the mix, and the lack of Chinese subtitles. The pacing feels weird and cluttered. Audrey Tautou has a few very bad dialogues, but since she is soooo beautiful never mind lah. What surprises me most is that the French actually talk to each other in French, not English. That's something you don't see much in Hollywood movies.

Needless to say, the production values are top-notch.

It's quite lengthy at 2 1/2 hours, but still okay as it's an adaption. The movie won't be liked by the general public that's for sure. It's by no means bad, but not very good either. But if given the chance, I will definitely watch it again, just to try to get the whole picture.

Posted by TheLast at 6:33 AM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wisdom Tooth

The other day, I jolted awake from an afternoon sleep and discovered to my horror that there's some pain in my right jaw. At first I thought the tooth fairy came and made a grave mistake. =(

So for the past week or so, I've been using my left jaw much more frequently when eating. I must say it has been a refreshing and jaw-dropping experience.

After all, it's not everyday that you suddenly lose control of your right side, and have to finally make yourself realise that your left side is as good. It's just that when one is too accustomed to using the right side, it doesn't feel right using the left side. But after some time, you know things will be brought into balance.

I strongly believe that after this terrible trauma and life-lesson, I can finally distribute my eating style equally. Therefore, after all this is over, I must take the time and give my sincerest thought and energy into making my left arm much more muscular than my right arm.

For starters, I think I will wash the toilet with my left arm. And that means less stain will be flushed out because my left arm is not as muscular as my right arm. But as I've said earlier, things will be brought into balance.

Then just now I brushed my teeth too fast, too hard and too furious, I think the gum opened up and then blood came out. I spitted out blood together with the remains. OH MY GOD it was Pink Colour! Red + White = Pink

I got a shock of my life. Tears filled my eyes and it looked like the dam was going to burst any moment. But then, as fate would have it, my Father came in and told me, "Be strong, Son." It was only at that pivotal moment did I realised that, in order to bring balance, I must be strong. The bleeding stopped immediately. It was as if something stopped it but I don't know who, how or why. =(

Actually, I rinsed my mouth with tap water then okay already.

Posted by TheLast at 12:46 AM

Monday, May 15, 2006

Today is my birday

According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar one. 四月十八日

So my Father made me Mee Sua with 2 eggs in the morning. There's also pig liver, kidney and airpork's pork.

So that means I'm 19 years old by Chinese standards but I'm actually still only 17.

Posted by TheLast at 5:52 PM

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mother's Day is coming soon

I think.

Tomorrow, my Aunt and cousins plus my Ah Ma will come over to my house to have steamboat and barbeque Marinea-Bay-style. I just finished tidying the kitchen and did some minor preparation. Father's out fetching passengers, my sister has gone over to my Mother's house. I'm going soon but not yet.

Very surprisingly, my Mother hasn't mention about Mother's Day yet. For the past few years, she would tell me when is the day and all that-thing-you-know. For the past few years, I don't even care to wish her Mother's Day or anything at all. Not to say I'm not a good and filial boy, but to me it feels weird and this type of thing like very shy one leh. Perhaps she has given up on me this time round.

She also does a lot of things that make me unhappy -

1. Not willing to accept my thinking.
2. Always wanting to show me off to her friends when there is nothing to show off at all.
3. Always telling me bad stories of my Father.
4. University is a big deal to her.

Point no. 1, 2, and 4 are like very common but no. 3 is way out of line. She make it seem like my Father's the bad guy and that guys always behave like scums of the Earth!!and its always the females who suffer!

But in the end, she's still my mother. =(

That day I saw Muhammad Zikry B Zulkifli. He like very handsum now but too bad too sad he shorter than me and then he told me that Ragboy is going to have some BBQ soon. After that, he slapped my muscular chest. =(

Posted by TheLast at 5:49 PM

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


A decent movie.

The fall of Poseidon is spectacular and from there on, it's nail-biting action all the way.

Another good popcorn flick after MI3 last week. But nothing memorable.

Posted by TheLast at 9:44 PM

Oh My God Part II =(

Super Mario Galaxy


Posted by TheLast at 5:05 PM

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Oh My God =(

Posted by TheLast at 6:12 PM

Monday, May 08, 2006

Alamak, why never ban the movie?

I heard that the book is not true one and some people told me that what the book says is fake one. But, I thought fake means 'fiction' one.

The Board of Film Censors (BFC) has rated the film 'The Da Vinci Code' NC16.

The film has a "mature content" advice and no children below the age of 16 will be able to watch it at the cinemas in Singapore.

BFC says that, in deciding on the rating, it sought the views of the Film Consultative Panel which comprises a cross section of society, representing different professions, age groups, races and religions.

The majority of members came to the conclusion that the film should be viewed as a thriller and a piece of fiction.

Members agreed that the film can be shown, but at a higher rating as only a mature audience will be able to discern and differentiate between fact and fiction. - CNA/ch

Posted by TheLast at 11:55 PM

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I am such a good and clever brother

I fixed my sister's lousy motorola hamfone. It wouldn't switch on at all, and when all seemed lost and all seemed gone, I came to the rescue.

I unscrew everything and dissect the whole hamfone. I played and touched everything. Poke here and there. Blow here and there. I screw everything back into place. I poked in the battery charger, and it worked.

Was it the intervention of God or GuanYinMa? Because honestly I didn't know what I was doing.


I'm all set for another trip to Bangkok during June, and another with Wai Kit and his girlfriend to ChiangMai as well.

As of now, I'm split into half due to scheduling conflicts. I hope everything works out as soon as possible. It's either I make it for both or nothing.

Posted by TheLast at 10:48 PM

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I have decided

Just now, I went to Tampines Mall. Century Square to be exact. Wah seh, Election day still got so many people out in the streets, it was raining too.

Anyway, I saw one very young boy got praised by his Father. His Father did so by slapping his head. The young boy returned the favour by slapping back his head with a rolled-up paper. The Father didn't even scold him. It was an extremely funny moment. The boy looks so much like his Father.

I went to buy some things and at the same time, checked out the Starhub shop for handphones. My Father's contract's expiring soon, coincidentally my sister's phone is broken just two days ago. But who cares about her anyway.

I'm thinking white because black means more fingerprints and oily look. At the same time, white is easily stained too. It's a difficult choice but never mind I will throw lots at Si Beh Law tomorrow. I'm sure Guan Yin the Wise will give me a good answer.

To end things off, go see this website about a pair of twins.


Posted by TheLast at 10:56 PM

Friday, May 05, 2006

I thought Aliens abducted my Father this morning

I was sleeping when my sister asked : "Kor, Papa go where already?". It was already 6 a.m. in the morning and I was going to have my lesson at 8 a.m. I feel like writing an essay for Ranjit

I replied, : "Huh?", and went back to sleep again. Actually, earlier I woke up at 4 a.m. out of a sudden but I had forced myself back to sleep again.

I finally woke up at 6.30 later but I felt like crap compared to when I woke up at 4 a.m. I walked around and then I saw that in my Father's room, the bed is nicely done.

Where could he have gone to? No news, no nothing. I made myself a nice cup of coffee and had a piece of bread before rushing off to school. I didn't call my Father until 1 p.m.

It turns out that he had accompanied my Ah Ma to the hospital for some check-up. Wah seh, what a filial boy. So naturally I asked if the doctors said anything.

I reached home and saw that he had his backpack ready. Don't need to say I also know. He must be going for his honeymoon again. It's true, I am such a clever boy. This time round, he's taking the bus. The type that goes from Golden Mile Complex (Little Thailand), to Woodlands, Perak and then Hatyai.

Honeymoon means more freedom but also more trouble for me. My Mother is increasingly suspicious of my Father's frequent overseas trips. It's a difficult thing to hide, because the dialing tone is different overseas. She calls him sometimes because I am lazy in picking up the phone. The funniest part is that they are divorced but my Mother still wants to cut into his life. She always ask what my Father is doing overseas. Sometimes I want to tell her that he's having fun but it's best to keep quiet.

Yesterday, I received news that my Fourth Grandaunt is about to up lorry soon. She has 3rd degree Lung Cancer, which means bo chance liao. She's always the first relative I visit when I go to Jiu Hoo. And she loves to cook for me. So much that I have to reject it at times because she cooks too much. I will never get to eat them again. The saddest part is that I more or less won't get to see her for the last time. The last time I visited her was when my Ah Gong up lorry during April last year.

Posted by TheLast at 3:32 PM

Charlotte's Web

The game's coming out for the Gameboy. Charlotte's Web reminds me of Mdm Akip and Literature. I still have the book, but probably eaten alive by Silverfish.

Playing as Wilbur the pig or Templeton the rat, gamers will be drawn into engaging tasks as they explore four fascinating worlds including Zuckerman's Barn, a Junkyard, the Countryside and the County Fair, each containing numerous challenging levels. Along the way, players will meet and interact with truly memorable characters from the movie including Charlotte, Wilbur's best friend and confidante, who requires aid in finding her missing spider hatchlings; and Gussy the goose, who needs help locating and hatching her goslings.

"This captivating game will give players of all ages the opportunity to explore the charming and familiar world of Charlotte's Web like never before," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. "Players will find themselves immersed in an interactive environment where they'll encounter a colorful cast of characters while they embark on a very special journey."


Posted by TheLast at 2:15 PM

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Posted by TheLast at 7:40 PM


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