
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Honeymoon peektures

These are from ChiangRai (Not ChiangMai).

Pictures were taken by my Father.

Posted by TheLast at 2:02 PM

Monday, February 27, 2006


Yesterday, I felt like digging a hole and hide myself in it because my head bang onto the Bus's exit's roof. (It sounded like piaking your hand onto plastic) The worst part was that it was very crowded. It was such an embarrassing moment.

Such incident never happen to me before leh.

Then today, I woke up at 0600 hours.

I was Mentally, Physically, Academically prepared for my Engineering Materials Examination.

I walked out that house door, checked my sit allocation. (I don't know why I checked. It was just some instinct. Perhaps it's fated!)

Only to discover to my horror that the Exam takes place at 1400 hours! If I knew it, I shouldn't have studied for the Exam until this morning.

Good news of the day. Manchester United F.C are the Worthles... I mean Carling Cup Champions!


One of favourite player(right), he has the same height as me. *shy*

Funny Picture. Yellow-carded because the referee is jealous.

Pictures from Soccernet.

Posted by TheLast at 6:19 AM

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Soccer Betting

Last night, my Mother called me to check if I've reached home safe and sound. (I had dinner at her house)

She asked me what am I doing so I told her I'm waiting for football to start.

Out of a sudden, she asked if I bet do soccer betting.

I said no then she said very good.

I love soccer, not money.

But I must admit I betted during the 1E1/2E1 days. It was Argentina VS England and I had one with Hung Bin (Hong Bin). In the end England won - through a penalty. He was furious and bway song but he gave me that $5 anyway. Recently he saw me in school but he said that I'm 'dao' just because I couldn't hear him calling me. It can't be help because my line of sight is straight when walking.

Posted by TheLast at 11:12 AM

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spiderman 3

Wah seh. This promotional peekture caught me by surprise. So dark and depressing.

Mark down the date, May 2007.

Picture by AintItCoolNews

Posted by TheLast at 12:12 PM

Friday, February 24, 2006

I just had a lonesome dinner

The title sounds so depressing.

Father's on Honeymoon (in Chiang Mai somemore, wah lao sibeh song mens!!!) and young sister seems to be filming the tv series LOST.

These are what I had :

1) 2 Meat + 2 Vegetables + Rice ($3.30)

2) Dumpling Soup (6 dumplings) ($3.00)

3) Green Tea ($1.20)

Wah seh! I spent $7.50 on a lonesome dinner.

While I was eating, this Ah Pek keep looking at me.

No no no he's not ghey. He's just curious why the hell this small boy is eating so much.

Yah, sometimes I just want to break down and cry. I can't control myself. I spent $5.00 every meal.

I feel that my eating is normal. But my Polyclinic friends tell me that's a lot.

Sometimes I just want to slap their heads and tell them, "It's not I eat a lot, it's because you eat very little."

Posted by TheLast at 9:56 PM

Is gaming useless?

Let's see ... ... if gaming is useless, then :

- Boys and girls, stop touching yourself at night

You get the pleasure but you don't create life so, oh noes!, it's useless.

- Stop watching your TV dramas

Fantasizing about Drama-ly love relationship are like wet dreams. They seemed real but they won't happen. See point 1. It's useless. You must watch Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, National Geographic, CNA, CNN, CNBC, BBC, News at 10, News at 9, News at 8, News at fill-in-any-number.

- Stop playing with the MSN

Getting to know someone thru the net is stupid. It's useless.

- Stop watching Movies

Movies are useless. They are loud and noisy only. And the love stories are out to cheat the young girls and boys. Go to the cinemas with your girlfriends/boyfriends and catch 'March Of The Penguins' instead! (Great documentary by the way, highly recommended by yours truly)

- Japan is a useless country

Oh noes! The whole country is mad about gaming! They are a useless bunch. They love Nintendo (and Playstation to some extent)! They love Mario, Princess Peach, Zelda and Donkey Kong. Citizens of any age DO play gameboys on the MRTs! Oh the gods they are childish and immature!

I can go on and on but that's too much for anyone to take.

Do you not sense some irony here? I was generalizing like mad! Some parts are exaggerated, but I'm just trying to get my point across.

Gaming becomes useless only when you sit your fat buttocks on that couch for 24 hours, 7 days. Moderation! It's all about moderation.

But people are saying it like you will go to hell if you play games. (Wow, I just had a great and weird sensation, like I've heard that part manywhere before.)

Gaming is just another form of entertainment. If it's useless, put down your poison sword and leave the Earth and become a Buddha. But to do that, first you have to become a monk. Entertainment is useless, right? Oh noes! I'm generalising again.

Posted by TheLast at 2:01 PM

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Something is wrong

Only 3/4 of the month has gone and yet over 30 people has viewed me. I am very touched. (I know you've got lots more but, everything is relative.)

Normally, I get less than 20.

Something is wrong!

But here comes the best part :

For the past week, two person added me as friends.(the above being the second, both are(or appears to be, you'll never know) girls somemore.)

Normally, it's the other way round.

Something is wrong!

Today I took my Engineering Maths examination. (Equivalent of Amaths)

It's chicken feet! (Primary school's coolest word)

Differentiate, integrate, differentiate, integrate, differentiate. (Get the peekture yet?)

And I am 200% certain that I've dreamt of a certain same question before. Even the way I solved it is the same.

It's like deja vu.

But it's not - Hey I think I've seen this somewhere before.

It's - Hey I've experienced it before.

3 more papers to go : C++ Programming, Engineering Materials, and Electrical Technology.

Posted by TheLast at 9:28 PM

It is the inevitable

The door to a Porn industry in Singapore has been opened!

As Mr Ranjit Singh once said, "We are lagging behind the United States!" (He always say don't quote him on this and that, but it is the inevitable mens)

One way or the other, you must have known all about the NYP sex video clip.

Then now came more revelations from teachers from (guess what?), Jay Cees!

According to The Straits Times :

Many teenagers - girls as well as boys - have been caught with pictures and video clips showing themselves and their partners naked or having sex.

Said a discipline teacher in one of the top junior colleges here: 'In the last half year alone I have checked the phones of five of my students after some complaints about them storing porn.

'One had naked pictures of herself and her boyfriend in different positions, and two of the boys had pictures of naked women on their phones, one of them of his girlfriend.

'What is disturbing is that... the boys were showing them off to their friends.'
(Good things must share, they think! It's cool and there's a sense of superiority to have screwed this girl, they think!)

Teachers say they attempt to counsel students and their parents, but admit that parents often have no idea about the technology their children are using. (Hahahahaha! Read post title.)

They are shocked when presented with the evidence.

One of the boy's girlfriends, also a student at the school, was not ashamed of her pictures being circulated.

'She was proud of it. She said it was artistic.'
(Now I know why R(A) is called Restricted Artistic. But now no more already.)

Youth counsellors say students are resorting to such measures to gain popularity.

Veteran youth counsellor Carol Balhetchet said: 'The new technology makes it all very easy and with celebrity bloggers revealing it all, it has become acceptable, even cool.'

I know it's the Singapore Media, but there's definitely some foundation to it.

OMGBBQCHICKENBACKSIDES! One day, I must take topless pictures of myself, so that I will be cool and attract loyal readers like Zikry!

Posted by TheLast at 7:04 AM

Monday, February 20, 2006

At The Airport

This is some slideshow that I'm testing. Just move your mouse around and some additional menus will pop out. If you are interested you can take a look at the website (Flickr) inside "The Truth Is In Here". Hope you find it nice.

In case you haven't figure out, I was studying at the airport and then after that I had dinner with my Father (and sister) and I sent him off to his Honeymoon in Hatyai for 1 solid week. And yes all the pictures are taken by me (and yes they didn't go under the knife (read: Adobe Photoshop)) except for the one with my Lao Peh.

Posted by TheLast at 10:23 PM

Sunday, February 19, 2006

One of favourite players almost died =(

Posted by TheLast at 11:02 PM

I need some life back in me

I am very bored in life.

Everywhere I go, it seems like nobody wants to kajiao me anymores.

Just yesterday, I saw the boy who likes to bully me in Secondary school.

He saw me, his eyes became big big. He didn't even want to kajiao me. =(

It seems like these days, I'm immuned to everything.

I can't even make myself a crybaby anymore. =(

Sometimes, some people stare at me but I can't even make myself feel scared. Instead, I just smiled. Wtf is happening to me mens.

The last time I cried, I was watching The 40-year-old Bergin with my Father. I was crying with laughter. I almost died from laughter. (Got chance, must watch, a great and meaningful movie. Buy the VCD/DVD when you hit Eighteen)

A long long time ago, there was a Malay boy sitting beside me in a bus.

I was reading a Gaming magazine and obviously he expressed some interest. He asked me to let him see and I did it very willingly (to a complete stranger). But I don't think I will experience this ever again.

Posted by TheLast at 9:31 AM

Saturday, February 18, 2006

How come you still don't want to up lorry? =(

My dearest Creative MP3 player, you have been with me for almost 3 solid years. (I got you in March)

I can still remember that fateful day that I bribed the Indian staff at Mustafa Centre to release you.

I don't understand you.

Peepurs say you are lousy and fragile but these Peepurs are a bunch of liars mens.

I know it's hard, being a Singaporean product. No matter what you do, Peepurs will only look at your weak points. The worst part is your weak points are always exaggerated.

Just like your Father, Sim Wong Hoo, who had to leave Singapore to search for People who appreciate him and his works. But after he became successful, he came back to Singapore. He did not forget his roots mens.

Especially now there's a certain always-overpriced-Ipod, you have no fight at all. Peepurs call it sexy and handsum while you are called ugly and BIG.

Deep inside you, you know the Ipod is just a product with style but zero substance. But don't you know that looks are everything? Nowadays, Peepurs stick the MP3 players to their forehead and listen to music. (But you know I don't, I keep you in my smelly but cosy bag.)

Even the Ang Mohs praised you with awards and such, but Singaporeans tell me they don't know got such award. They only believe in the Academy Golden Oscar Globe.

I type so much. But in the end, someone different is going to take over you someday. I promise I won't throw you away. You will be given a shrine where it says "My First Ever MP3 Player". As the Oracle said, "Everything that has a beginning has an end".

So please don't be so steel-teeth, up lorry faster please.

I have had a lot of fun, joy and laughter in my life with you. I must say that it is a very enjoyable experience but life has to move on. I know you will miss me terribly but you see, life is not just about having fun.

There are times when work are to be completed and ambitions to be consummated. As the saying goes, with more power, comes greater responsibilities.

It's time for me to concentrate on my mission and move on to an emplacement where billions and billions of people in the world will require the succor of someone who has an exceptionally keen leadership such as me.

Therefore, your possible replacements are :

Now you know I'm in good hands, you can up lorries with no worries.

Posted by TheLast at 8:01 AM

Got people bully my sister

Even though I don't look and act like good brother, I am actually a very good one at heart.

She told my Father and I that someone prank-called (again) and told her that her Hamfone* number was written somewhere in Singapore.

Even though I didn't say it out, I feel very angry because my sister was more or less bullied.

I will not let her experience what I had experienced.

However, I don't think she needs much help.

She weighs (more or less) as much as me, stands at 1.7 metre, and she's only 15 years old.

Nowadays schools are so happening and trendy.

Last time the trend is to call people gheys and crybaby.

But now . . . such is the power of Hamfones.

My sister told me girls always have some sort of rivalry in school. (Sounds like something out of Taiwan)

But then I told her that's impossible because girls are considered more matured mens.

Her bully-ing experience reminds me of my Secondary school days. Perhaps it runs in the family.

*Hamfone - If you got listen carefully (for Hokkien people), that's how your Ah Ma or Ah Gong pronounce 'Handphone'

Posted by TheLast at 12:16 AM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I got show these peektures before?

I took it last year at the SDSC (Singapore Disability Sports Council).

Posted by TheLast at 6:15 PM

Donations needed

I want this. Please donate money to me at account no. 366283 (or 'donate' on the keypad). Use ATM to transfer.

I promise that I will use more than 10% of the donations.

Posted by TheLast at 12:22 PM

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I've been wanting to change the look for the past few months.

But the previous one (at least to me) was very much perfect. Almost flawless.

Please give me some honest comments on the new look.

Yes boy. Today is the day. Love is in the air. But like not much different leh.

Just now Melissa sms-ed me but she was only telling me that Pin Chen is featured in Teenage magazine.

To my friends, Happy Valentine's Day.

To all the couples out there, have a nice Valentine's Day but don't anyhow shoot.

Posted by TheLast at 4:10 PM

Monday, February 13, 2006

Just now I saw my Primary School teacher

Okay, I didn't saw my primary school teacher.

I was on my way dinner and suddenly this old lady started to look at me.

It was only a few seconds after I had walked past her did I have some recollection of her in my primary school days.

She didn't teach me at all. I only saw her a few times in school. Because after 6 years in school, there's zero chance that no one will know anyone's face.

The most amazing thing is that she could recognise me on first look, yet I, a 17 year old boy, could not.

Posted by TheLast at 8:46 PM

Don't be scared of me can

I simply could not contain my laughter when I asked girls what they are going to do on Valentine's Day.

They get all defensive and I've already lost the battle even before it began.

I'm not even trying to ask you out damn it! I think lots of people don't understand how my mind works.

At the same time it's sad and scary because I wonder if I'm going to take this shit for the rest of my life.

Yesterday, I went to a Fortune Teller.

She said I must work very hard because I'm borned to be a person who always gets good grades. She said I must curb my stubborn-ness and must-win mentality (isn't this good?). She also said that next time I will have a very good job (Aviation industry?).

The last part reminds me of my study grant application to SIAEC. They still haven't reply.

Thanks to Pin-Chen and Melissa for being my character referees.

Anyway, I think I'm more or less rejected because I have got history of Asthma. =(

Posted by TheLast at 8:24 AM

Friday, February 10, 2006

Today Weather very the good

So it's X-files time!

Watching the X-files is a very serious business.

Posted by TheLast at 8:59 PM

Char Siew Rice Uncle is mad

Just now I went to coffee shop to buy Char Siew Rice from him.

He asked me if the other guy who's always with me is my brother or not.

He said he 'cannot see'. (means he doesn't look like my Father)

This is the 2nd time I've heard something like that.

It makes me wonder because it's so damn obvious that I'm the boy and he's the man.

Or ijit they have never seen such close father-and-son relationship as a result of a single parent family? Zul has commented that he can't believe I can speak to my father in such a 'friendly' way.

Anyway I'm at home with my sister now.

Father's gone to Joo Hoo, Kuala Lumpur, for work. Don't know really go there for work or honeymoon.

Hatyai's in close proximity so . . . the truth is out there mens.

Posted by TheLast at 5:35 PM

So Far Yet So Near

The movie is rated M-18!!!

It's like waiting to watch NC-16 movies(legally) all over again.

After the kidnapping of the Israeli team at the 1972 Munich Olympics by the terrorist group "Black September", an Israeli soldier (Eric Bana) is hired by the Mossad to take out those responsible. Assembling a diverse team of assassins, they start to go after the men on the target list, all the time fighting with their consciences about whether they're doing the right thing and being helped by a number of third parties who may have their own agendas.

Posted by TheLast at 6:56 AM

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Drenched in Irony

Don't know who is the PRACTICAL one mens. =(

If you are wondering, it's the 'Send a Valentine' message on Friendster.

Posted by TheLast at 6:44 AM

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I am a weakling mens

It has to be the Kentucky Fried Chicken.

2 days ago, my friend forced me to eat KFC.

To my horror I just woke up to find blood streaming down my nose! So very quickly I lay down and used some ice on my nose.

Or ijit my Mother's boiled-and-prepared-for-how-many-hours Bird Nest?

You never know. From experience, women tend to prepare such tonics catered to female. That time my Ah Ma prepared some tonic soup and I gei kiang and drank bowls of it and the next thing I know I'm having sore throat and nosebleed. No choice mens because Ah Mas become very happy when they see you do that. If you don't know, women are more 'suited' for 'heaty' stuffs because they have got menses.

Either way, I can't have caused it myself. I haven't been eating any heaty stuffs lately and plain, boiled water has officially been my favourite drink! (Next to Kopi-O)

Posted by TheLast at 7:27 AM

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ok give Vanessa chance

Because it looks like nobody bother to respond to this particular post of hers. =(

Victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
Need to mention the sex of the target.
Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged.
If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Target: Female
1. Swee swee (actually just be appealing to me can already la)
2. Girly. (body must be well toned. Not over not under. Just nice if you get what I mean)
3. 1.78 m tall, if not very hard to talk boy.
4. Must know how to play Gameboy. Like that can play wireless multiplayer. If she don't have I will buy for her.
5. Got nice cheeks for me to squeeze
6. Easy to bully and is gullible
7. Loves to eat Mee Pok dry
8. Don't mind my 'big breasts' because that time I measure around my chest it's 37 inches. Nabeh it's bigger than my waist =(

We are talking about 'the perfect lover' aren't we! 8 points not enough la! Tried to make it as broad as possible so it covers everything hahaha.

8 victims

1. Zikry
2. Peck Chung Seng
3. Wai Kit
4. KJ
5. Simon
6. Melissa
7. Ragboy (sorry repeat)
8. Luqman

All those whom the invitation has been extended to pls fill this in when you see this eh! It's fun! =)

Posted by TheLast at 10:09 AM

Monday, February 06, 2006

It's better to know that your child is dead than s/he is missing.

Everytime I press the 'send' button on my handphone, I wonder if my thoughts/greetings/expressions are appreciated and really 'received'.

Am I bringing a smile to that person on the other end? Or do the person at the other end just brush it off and feels irritated?

We are at such an age where real-life communication is almost gone. Instead, virtual communication is preferred. SMS-es are a breeze to me, but when talking face-to-face, it becomes difficult.

I can't even remember the last time I talked to a friend on the phone.

Before Nokia's 3310, I could talk on the phone for countless hours. When I mean talk, I mean talking to anyone for hours.

All that is lost now. I always have that notion that if I call someone, s/he would feel that I'm annoying. Maybe it's only happening to me, but calling someone has become so unconventional. Sometimes it also happens on MSN. Hokkien call it 'ai mai ai mai'. (want don't want, want don't want)

A few years back. I called someone. I wanted to talk to that person but out of a sudden she said her blah blah blah wants to use the phone. It could be true but it's so damn obvious she doesn't want to talk. Her voice betrayed her.

The worst part about sending sms-es is that you can't help but have that feeling that perhaps that someone's possible dislike and annoyance for you increases with each meaningful sms. But yet you still continue to do so, hoping that you will get some appreciation.

It's like believing a lie. Because a lie is so much more easier to believe.

All this crap may sound like I lack confidence. But anyone will feel so damn demoralised if you had experienced this crap.

But I won't. I will continue to send send send. Because I always can't reach my 500 free SMS-es target for some reason. In the end, however, I have confidence in who I send SMS-es to. I'm sure they appreciate me.

If they don't, it's okay because it's my heart that counts.

Posted by TheLast at 2:03 AM

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Today must eat 7 types of vegetables

Good job boy. That's me frying those Seven vegetables.

Today is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, so Chinese must eat 7 types of vegetables to celebrate humanity's birday.

My Ah Ma is like very happy. Because I help her to cook.

I remember last time when I help out she will say I gei kiang. But now she doesn't say that anymore. Don't know why.

But when she taste it, she say not nice, too soggy. =(

Posted by TheLast at 4:27 PM

Friday, February 03, 2006

Can anyone teach me how to secretly look at people?

It was a wonderful Friday morning, but I was already late for school.

I was wearing The 'Goodman' T-shirt.

The train was people moutain people sea until Outram Park/Tanjong Pagar.

So I sat down and opposite me was a girl (I think from Gary's Shatec one).

At first she wasn't sleeping. Then about a few seconds later she closed her eyes.

So I looked at her.

Then out of a sudden she opened her eyes. It's not those slowly-open-the-eyes type, it's those very fast type if you get what I'm typing.

It scared the Gameboy out of me so very quickly I took out my Gameboy and played some games.

A few minutes passed and the train reached Dover so I walked to the classroom.

At the end of the lesson I got back my test result for 'Workshop Practice'.(Something like Design And Technology)

I got 93/100!!! Wah seh. This reminds me of my Primary School days. Actually no lah. I, honestly and sincerely, studied for the test. That's why I'm giving myself a pat on the back now by typing this.

So can anyone teach me how to secretly look at people? Talk to me in MSN thank you.

Posted by TheLast at 3:41 PM

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sibeh tok kong

Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners
Very Good in bed. Lover not a Fighter But
Still Punch Your Lights Out. Trustworthy.

Don't say don't have. Chinese new year is still on so new picture of me for all of you to see.

Posted by TheLast at 6:36 PM

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

霍元甲 (Fearless)

Today, I became a handsome and cool boy accidentally.

The other day, I bought a oversized pair of jeans (33 inches) accidentally (that time I got go test but don't know why I lost the few extra inches, during the festive period somemore), but God gave me no choice so I had to wear it today.

And so I finally comprehend what being handsome and cool is all about. Wearing your jeans very low and sexy makes you look like you got a very big kukubird, at the same time it makes you look like you got something stucked between your kukubird and backside. Not only that, it reveals your sexy buttcrack. However, I find my upper-body's cleavage sexier, nicer and deeper.

After the horrific and life-sucking experience of being handsome and cool, I promise myself never to do such a thing again.

Additional note : I had my belt with me, but it was only after the horrific experience that I realised that I never really pull the belt tight tight.

Okay, on topic. I just watched Jet Li's self-proclaimed last martial arts movie.

First, it's based on a real-life person. So basically, the story is there.

The romance part made me beg for more. It was quite lacking in that department.

The fight scenes are more or less the same as his previous works. But ask yourself when is the last time you watched such a movie.

The presence of Westerners in the movie reminds me of Jay Chou's 逆鳞 (Against the Grain).

Jet Li said that the movie is to tell Chinese Nationals to cherish their life, obviously concerned with the rising number of suicides cases in China.

I feel the movie is more than that. It tells us that respect and fear are two different things.

It also tell us that even with style (or size), you are nothing if you lack substance.

They are strong messages. But the movie doesn't make me feel like I'm 1.9 metre tall after walking out of the cinema. Still, it's good entertainment for everyone. Non-Chinese should watch it too.

Posted by TheLast at 8:16 PM


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